
Only You Will Care for Me, Dearest

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He was just as drenched in lakewater and mud as Wen He, but still he maintained an air of grace and elegance about him.

Wen He shot him a look and frowned in disgust. "Your cool act cost you a car accident, haven't you learned?"

Gu Jinzhi was about to retort when Wen He noticed some movement from afar.

"They're here."

A few military vehicles were speeding toward them. Wen He quickly stood up but was struck by a sudden dizziness and pain in her ankle. She stumbled and nearly fell face-down on the ground.

Luckily, Gu Jinzhi caught caught her by the waist just in time.

She shook her head to shake away the dizziness and said, "Thanks."

Then, she prepared to push the man away.


A sharp sound caught her by surprise.

The military vehicles had reached them. The first to step out of the cars was a tall and skinny man in military boots.