
Huo Yunting Admits His Mistake

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Huo Yunting answered the question before Lu Zhaoyang could, "We are married, and you're my son. You surname is Huo, not the Huo of Huo Chen, it's Huo, the Huo of Huo Yunting."

The little one nodded, not knowing whether he fully understood everything, "Is that so..."

As the ward's door opened, Huo Yunting looked on, and said gently, "The doctor's here. You be a good boy and listen to him. A man should never cry!"

"En!" Xuxu nodded with gusto.

The moment he became a father, Huo Yunting found that there was more confidence in his speech.

When the IV needle was put into his hand, Xuxu's tiny hand held onto Lu Zhaoyang's finger as he shut his eyes, not daring to look at it.

It was like an ant's bite, and suddenly he felt a slightly cool liquid flowing inside the tube. It did not hurt any more.

He took a deep breath as he released his grip, his look cute as ever. "Eat, eat. I'm alright now. I did not cry at all!"
