
Huo Yunting’s Brand of Caring III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Zhaoyang had difficulty swallowing her food, not because of the taste or the eighty-percent rule, but because of the complaints she heard from all around her.

"Why is the cafeteria serving food like this now?!"

"Exactly! Which crazy higher-up gave the order to cook plain dishes? Who exactly fell sick?"

Lu Zhaoyang ate even slower now. Lin Yazhi noticed her lack of appetite and frowned. "You don't like the food too, right, Sister Zhaoyang?"


In fact, she found it to suit her taste, but the commotion around her made her feel guilty.

"I'll talk to the president later."

Even if she could now enjoy mild dishes at work, what about the other staff members?

Not everyone was having a bad stomach. This change in policy would surely lead to disgruntled employees.

After lunch, Lu Zhaoyang went straight to Huo Yunting's office.

However, the man in question was not there. Perhaps he was enjoying a proper lunch outside.