
From All Fronts - The Perfect Retaliation! V

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Xiang Jinxi heard Lance say that the men from State Security had left, he felt instantly relieved. A tired smile crept onto his face.

Then, Qiu Jin sat down beside him and watched him quietly for some time.

Finally, she spoke in a bitter voice, "I am leaving tomorrow."

Xiang Jinxi's eyes widened and he looked back at her with an unreadable expression.

"For your wedding?"


Qiu Jin rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyelashes quivered as she blinked in distress.

"The wedding is in a month's time. Father asks me to return and make preparations."

In fact, her family did not plan to let her follow Xiang Jinxi to Z Country in the first place, but she managed to convince her father to let her stay by his side for another month…

"It will be over soon."

Xiang Jinxi hesitated for a long moment before patting gently on her head.