
Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow (7)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Huo Yunting, he finally had this day too!

After he completed the port project about six months later, he was confident he could finish Thunderbolt once and for all.

By then, without Huo Yunting's patronage, Huo Zhenning will be a dead man!

Xiang Jinxi felt the thrill he had not felt before, and was glad that he had chosen to work with Mr Bruce.

Or else, he would not have the things he had today.

As he thought of that, he gave Bruce a call, and simply ran through the progress over his side, and he heard the latter laughed, he too chuckled.

And suddenly, the office door was kicked open violently.


Xiang Jinxi yelled without much thought. "Who are you?!"

Just as his enraged self looked at the few people in special uniform outside the door, he quickly suppressed his anger, and in its place was a sudden confusion, and a creeping unease.

"Who are you people?"

He tried to ask as calmly as possible.