
Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow (1)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the way up, Lu Zhaoyang's face was cold, and ignored Huo Yunting outright.

"We've arrived." The guide made a gesture to welcome them in. "Please enter."

"Thank you."

Lu Zhaoyang and Huo Yunting entered the meeting room and saw the extensive meeting room filled up with people, each one in suits and leather shoes. The look of the business elite.

Xiang Jinxi was in the midst of them, and he was seated to the far right on the first row, and did not seemed to have realized the presence of the newcomers as his eyes were firmly glued onto the stage.

"He's here!"

Lu Zhaoyang turned sideways to look at Huo Yunting, and saw his originally smiling face had a veil over it, and darkness roiled in his black eyes, looking grim and dangerous.

"Stay calm." She reminded him, fearing that Huo Yunting would lose control of his emotions.