
Disclosing identity III

Translator: 549690339

Huo Yunting walked up to the stage and said slowly.

"Welcome to Thunderbolt Corp's press conference."

After the same opening remarks, the reporters thought they would begin the focus of the press conference.

Who knew that Huo Yunting did not have anyone to introduce the company's new products. Instead, he put his hands on the table, and his peach-shaped eyes swept across the audience. His thin lips opened slightly, and he said,"the most important reason why I called for this press conference today is to ..."

He paused and dragged out the last syllable.

"Let me introduce my daughter to the public, Huo ran."

In an instant, there was a commotion below the stage, and the reporters began to whisper.

"Huo ran? Are you sure it's not Huo run?"

"I heard that Mrs. Huo gave birth to a pair of twins eighteen years ago. The elder daughter is in poor health and has been recuperating overseas. Perhaps it's Huo ran?"