
A Mysterious Organization III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"It's okay. I'm rich and I don't need a wife," replied Lu Bai as he took out the their dinner of pork livers and fish tonight. 

"Tsk." Wen He clicked her tongue as she leaned against the door frame, surveying the busy man dicing and dumping meat into the pot, "You're the sole heir to the Lu family. Are you telling me that you'll be the last descendant to your family? Oh wait. I forgot. You're a home-hogger. How would you even get a wife of your own? How do you even get girls? Be honest with me, am I the very first woman you spoke within these 8 months?"


"The chatty housewives at the supermarket don't count, darling."

"Well, the supermarket doesn't only contain chatty housewives. There are other people, like a young and beautiful girl—the lady living downstairs for example. She has a bright smile." 

Oh? Lady downstairs?