
884、The Truth II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"My honey, sweet cutie pie is going to be someone else's soon. Why won't you allow me to record our time together for once?" 

"..." She was not sure if it was the half-baked joke from Gu Jinzhi or it was her sentiments, as her eyes reddened with tears. 

There could be years with us yet now I only end with a video clip few minutes long containing you being alive. 

"Gu Jinzhi, honestly speaking, are you my secret admirer?" The camera shook as Gu Jinzhi spat out the water he sipped before rolling his eyes upon her as if viewing a retard. 

"Hahaha—How funny…" Wen He laughed at the interaction in the video while the corners of her eyes were wet.

What a fool… 

"Enough talking, I'm catching some shut-eye."And Wen He took out an eye-mask to end the conversation in the video.