
642、Refreshing New Company

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The man in the middle who was smoking a cigar looked familiar. She thought she must have seen him elsewhere.

"Oh, we got ourselves a new one. It's refreshing to have a new company…"

Scar-face said with a grin. He was happy with her presence.

Wen He bent down and was about to pour some liquor when two minions went to her and started patting her heavily here and there.

They were searching her for weapons or whatnot.

"Don't be so rough, I feel uncomfortable, okay?"

Wen He straightened up, holding a bottle of wine and a glass. She looked bewitching in the blue light.

"Uncomfortable? We'll make sure you enjoy yourself to the max later!"

The man in a suit sitting on the left said with a smile. He ogled unashamedly at her.

Wen He studied the man with the cigar and noticed that there were no ladies around him. It seemed she was assigned to the man that night.