
632、Barely Alive

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She paused for a moment, as if figuring out the right way to put her thoughts into words, before she continued, "Well, I heard that Huo Yunting and Lu Zhaoyang would be back to the Capital today. Something big happened, apparently." 

"Yes? What is it?" He was still interested in more scandals of the family.

"The Second Master seems to be getting married and…" Qiu Jin muttered as she got up to pour the wounded man liquor, hoping to help him suppress the pain, "Zhaoyang's mother…She got sent out of the mansion." 

"Serves her right." 

"Hah. Sounds like a good pawn to use, don't you think?" Said Qiu Jin while pouring her own glass of wine too. 

"Not yet, not yet," mumbled Xiang Jinxi, pouring the remaining drink into his mouth. He had got to admit that Xue Yuming would be a good tool to use to fulfill his plan.

If properly used, she might be the best person to turn the entire situation over.

Xiang Jinxi thought while smiling.