
295、Resignation I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xue Yuming gladly smiled, "I'm fine, mother. Thank you for your concern."

"Good, it's all about fate whether you'll get a child after all. It's an unfulfilled fate if the child never managed to come into this world. You're only one or two decades younger than me, so don't play with fire again. You won't know what you'll lose the next time," replied the old lady expressionlessly before storming out of the ward with her stalk tapping loudly, leaving the mother frowning in confusion.

Play with fire?

HMPH! You called it playing with fire just because I did not get the child. If I got it, you would be watching your words!

You got Huo Chen at my age and that was merely because of pure luck. Remember that!

Xue Yuming snorted as she slightly ground her teeth.