
158、Signed, sealed, delivered.

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Looking at Prince Charming before her, she only had two words,

"No, thanks." She turned and darted away right after she firmly uttered her reply. The door was then slammed shut as soon as she vanished into the corridor. Huo Yunting was not enraged by his secretary's attitude. Instead, he calmly drew back the card and crumpled it before he sent it into the bin with a three-point shot.

His soulless eyes reflected the blue glow of the computer screen as he replayed the scene from earlier in his mind. He did not hear what she said exactly since he only noticed the scab on her lower lip.

He caused it.

He sighed upon realizing the consequences of his own deed.

"It was...kind of arousing…"

The scab actually made his woman sexier.

"Lu Zhaoyang can only be mine after all. Not even my uncle can stand in the way."
