

Tess is a young student aware of the fact that supernatural creatures exist within them but gets the shock of her life when she finds out that her two long time friends are actually super naturals and soon a history assignment brings she and Adam so close he professes his secrets and love for her.

DaoistEmeCER · Urban
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4 Chs


I stop when I get well into the trees. The air is cold, fresh with the smell of rain and cedar trees. The cold makes the tiny hairs on my bare arms stand up. I'm only wearing a flimsy camisole. I should go back before I freeze out here but I'm not ready to. I need to be alone, and in the trees is the only peaceful place available.

I tilt my head back and close my eyes, letting the soft breeze whip my hair wherever it pleases. I could stand here all night if I didn't have goosebumps. I go farther in, tripping over fallen branches scattered with leaves, and I smell smoke. Campfire smoke. What, is someone camping in the woods behind my house?

I follow the smell and it's not too long before I hear voices, and I see the smoke wafting up through the trees. I twist through the brush, trying to be as quiet as possible. I think its working. I can't even hear myself. I was about to walk into a sort of clearing when I see a group of people gathered around a bonfire in the center. I duck behind a tree trunk, hoping no one saw me. I crouch low behind some bushes and look through a gap in its branches to get a better look at the people.

Adam is there. And so are Deon and Anker.

I squint; wondering if this is some sort of gang inauguration when I remember: they're werewolves. Of course. This is a meeting.

The light from the flames flicker across their faces and I get a better look at the others. There's a girl with short black hair wearing all black and another girl with short, curly copper hair wearing a red cardigan and knee high lace up boots over leggings. There's a very tall guy with blonde hair wearing a white thermal shirt, and another very tall guy with shoulder length black hair wearing a leather jacket over a fitted white t-shirt. Deon had his hood off, his honey brown hair sticking out at odd angles, and Adam wasn't wearing his hat. He also was wearing a leather jacket, but it was zipped up unlike tall boys' jacket. My heartbeat sped up just by looking at him.

Black haired girl throws something in the fire and it sparks. "It's not the vampires. Of how much I'd like it to be, it's not."

Tall boy shakes his head in frustration. "Then who is it? We've been working on this case for months. That girl was drained of blood; how is that not a vampire's work?"

Copper hair girl steps up to the fire, also throwing something in.

"There were no bite marks on her neck, Riordan."

So Tall boy was Hunter. I should really leave but I can't get my legs to obey. I'll leave when they leave. I sit on my knees behind the bushes to get in a more comfortable position, and one I could jump up quickly if I have to get away for some odd reason. It's better than going home.