
Warlord's Empire: The Dynasty Chronicles

This is a story about an otherworldly soul that drifted into the world of martial arts and conflict. With his indomitable wits and godly skills, the son of the warlord treads the path of blood and wars, conquering cities like plucking flowers and destroying impossible enemies with the help of his loyal subordinates, with a goal as lofty as a mountain! To unite the lands under one banner! To end the raging flames of conflict and bring about peace throughout the continent! His chronicles recorded in the anals of history, he must face tough enemies and surpass overwhelming odds, join this journey as Shijie walks on his path of conquest, meeting loyal subordinates, powerful foes and beautiful ladies along the way!

Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
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66 Chs


The city of Jinli in the Jinan County of the Li province situated in the southeast of the Tianze region bustled with a sense of exuberance and anticipation as it was adorned modestly with flowers and petals from the city gates to the large estate in the center of the city. 

The people were lined up out on the streets as they mumbled and whispered among each other in anticipation and wonder. 

It was the time of the late summer and autumn was just around the corner. As the sound of the strong breeze overlapped with the muttering of the people, suddenly a stir began spreading among everyone like wildfire as the welcoming thumping of the drums and gongs made the city tremble with its magnificence. 

The people who were near the city gates drew their breaths as the gate was brought down to the ground, and opened to the convoy of nearly a thousand soldiers and guards as well as many carriages that were approaching from the distance.