
Warlord's Empire: The Dynasty Chronicles

This is a story about an otherworldly soul that drifted into the world of martial arts and conflict. With his indomitable wits and godly skills, the son of the warlord treads the path of blood and wars, conquering cities like plucking flowers and destroying impossible enemies with the help of his loyal subordinates, with a goal as lofty as a mountain! To unite the lands under one banner! To end the raging flames of conflict and bring about peace throughout the continent! His chronicles recorded in the anals of history, he must face tough enemies and surpass overwhelming odds, join this journey as Shijie walks on his path of conquest, meeting loyal subordinates, powerful foes and beautiful ladies along the way!

Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Arrival of Li Junwei

The Wang Family's hospitality and honor were commendable as they left no effort to accommodate Li Yan in their home. Noble lady Wang personally saw that Li Yan was taken good care of.

First thing first, the Wang Family's physician checked Li Yan's physical condition under the watchful eye of the Lord and Lady Wang. Fortunately, the diagnosis came out to be clean as no complications had surfaced despite the strenuous activities done by Li Yan.

Although Li Yan seemed like she had been very calm and collected without a worry in the world, she was the most concerned about her unborn baby that was growing inside her belly.

Not many people knew but ever since Li Yan's marriage with Li Junwei, she had suffered the excruciating agony of losing her babies during pregnancy or due to miscarriages at the time of delivery. An ordinary woman would have broken down mentally and physically after such an experience but Li Yan was coherently a strong woman and still wished for the joys of raising a child of her own.

So when the physician said that the fetus in her belly was growing healthy without any complications, she felt the weight from her shoulders lifting as the wave of relief washed over her and she became completely relaxed.

Embracing the opportunity for taking a break in leisure and focusing on the baby that would come four months later, Li Yan began living her days in the Wang Estate without a care in the world.

She and Lady Wang would walk in the gardens, go on outings in the palanquins, wander in the valleys and villages, enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the region, and host tea parties with the women of prominent families of the Purple Lotus City.

With Lady Wang who she had become good friends and acquaintances—Li Yan would make clothes, and sweaters and do embroidery for the upcoming baby even though she was terrible at it.

Seeing her lousy skill in embroidery and the horrendous creations that resulted from it, Lady Wang would giggle and tease to no end.

Both ladies would also together read sacred scriptures during the hour of early morning and twilight so that the children in their bellies could be born with positive and healthy hearts.

The days that were passing were of comfort, luxury, and leisure. Li Yan completely threw herself into self-care so that whatever strain was caused due to the wild chase could be healed. Even though not many days had passed since she last saw her husband, Li Yan would often yearn for his company.

Just like this, fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye and one day, word arrived that Li Junwei was arriving at the Purple Lotus City, making Li Yan's heart flutter with yearning.

To welcome her husband, she went out of her way to the city gates in a palanquin waiting for him patiently.

It was a sunny day, the sun was high above in the sky shedding its warm brilliance upon the earth making the grass petals shine with the warm wind blowing freely giving off a sense of liveliness.

Suddenly the dust rose in the sky from the distance as the floor trembled with vibrations, tremors, and the sounds of the cavalry. Sensing the change, Li Yan's eyes brightened as she got off the palanquin.

It did not take long for the mighty cavalry to reach the opened city gates. This was a show of trust from the Wang Family as it would be very easy for a hostile force to capture the city if the gates are wide open in broad daylight while the cavalry is in the distance, approaching with unbreakable momentum.

The cavalry reached the city walls but halted miles away while a lone horse walked onwards on which Li Junwei sat valiantly, inspiring awe in the spectator's heart.

Li Junwei entered the city without a hitch as he stopped the horse in front of Li Yan.

"Yan'er, there was no need to trouble yourself." Li Junwei said stoically.

"Husband has come triumphant from afar, as a wife, how could I not welcome husband myself?"

Hearing this, Li Junwei's stoic expression revealed a blank spot as he couldn't help but smile with tender love looking at his wife. In front of others, this amazing wife of his was like mount tai, strong and firm while facing him, she was but a plum flower, full of sweet love and tender warmth.

A moment passed as Li Junwei and Li Yan looked into each other's eyes with yearning. From outside the gate, the cavalry began placing the camp while three horsemen also entered the city. These were Li Junwei's trusted subordinates. As soon as they entered, the gates closed once again.

Waking up from the reverie by the metallic creaking noise of the gate closing, the couple nodded at each other with understanding as Li Yan once again got on the palanquin and Li Junwei got on his horse.

Escorted by the Wang Family soldiers, Butler of the Wang Family, Old Man Huo, Yao Wuhan, and Li Junwei's subordinates, the convoy began heading towards the Wang Family Estate under the curious eyes of the City Folks.

After reaching the Wang Estate, The Li couple entered and Wang Fang beside him Lady Wang came forward to greet the Warlord of Li Province.

"Lord Li, I trust you had a fruitful adventure." Wang Fang asked tactfully.

"Hahaha! Fruitful indeed, while in pursuit of the glorified bandits, I nearly obliterated their glorified cavalry. Honestly, those fine war horses are wasted when donkeys ride upon them." Replied Li Junwei playfully.

"I see, glad to hear. Some lines shouldn't be crossed."

"I imagine the bandit leader is going to have a hard time explaining his glorious deeds to his family now! Hahaha! He won't dare stick his ugly head out of the gutter for at least a few years."

Li Junwei spoke with a hearty laugh as he bowed with respect, "I am grateful for your hospitality towards my wife and unborn child. The Li Family shall be in your debt."

With a smile, Wang Fang said softly, "It's what I should do. Come… sit with us for tea. The stars have aligned as we have finally met. I have prepared a banquet for this occasion."

A festive atmosphere immediately enveloped the surroundings as everyone's faces brightened with delight.

"Gladly," Li Junwei said as he walked side by side with Li Yan, heading to the main pavilion of the Estate with the Wang couple.