
warlocks prophecy : rebirth of the long lost Thunder Dragon

One prophecy two holders which one is the true savior and which is the fake holder. which has the power to vanquish the darkness this book is my first work I am new to writing novel so the way my story might go at first might be a little distorted so pls don't blame me but I know that this story will surely impress you so thank you

Infinite_0ne · Action
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Chapter 42 : The demon hierarchy

"What?" a voice echoed in the dark world. the place didn't have any form of light except from the red steam of lava that kept gushing out of the black soil the world had a rocky surface as volcanic mountains could be seen in the distance everything about this world seemed to be either black or hot red lava even the sky was a combination of both and in this world demons could be seen roaming about as it was crowded with different kinds of demons yhere where two major kinds if these demons and they had different abilities that determined what kind they where the ones who could control fire where known as fire demons while those who could control the steam where known as smoke demons and even though they could do this things they still possessed some other abilities which they gained by raising their ranks in the demon hierarchy they where five ranks of demons in the hierarchy the weaker ones where known as the deboles(5) and after them the next ranks are known as banjos(4) and then they are the demon soldiers(3)and the demon Generals(2) the strongest demons amongst all of them are called the demon lords(1) and just like the demon Generals they too look human but they could do something that the Generals couldn't they could transform into their demon form although this demons had the ability to increase their skill and therefore raise their ranks, if a demon soldier is able to increase his skills and abilities and therefore becoming human like his rank will increase and he will become a demon General and once he is able to return back to his demon form he therefore becomes a demon lord but after these demon lords only one person was stronger and he was the demon king he was a king who shouldn't be played with he was the only one who had the power to raise hell and that was what he wanted but now it didn't seem to be working as his lure was already been misused.

"we need to find another way around this "the voice said as the person stood up he had a broad and majestic body as he was well built his body structure complimented his aura as he rubbed his slender chin his face was the real epitome of beauty as his soft black hair rested on his back his blazing gold eyes indicated he was a fire demon and a really strong one

"if the king finds out that his soldiers are been slaughtered out there what do you think he would say" he yelled at the General who was was kneeling in front of him.

"but my lord the holder of the lure is fighting a war and that is why he is in need of our forces if we can't provide that for him he wouldn't have any need for our army "the General said

"that doesn't mean he would want to make the sacrifice" he replied

"my lord the death of our men can help us achieve just that "the General said

"what do mean?" he asked

"what i mean is that when our soldiers enter their world they become weak the don't have enough dark energy to sustain their strength anymore and then they become just like a normal being and this anger the holder cause it only makes him lose the war but if we can convince him to make the sacrifice required to free our king from here with an explanation that it would strengthen us he might just comply" the General stated

"that better work tell this to the soldiers in my fire army and tell them to convince him to comply" he stated as he sat back on his throne like chair.

"yes my lord" the General said as he bowed before turning and walking out of the mansion of the first fire lord