
warlocks prophecy : rebirth of the long lost Thunder Dragon

One prophecy two holders which one is the true savior and which is the fake holder. which has the power to vanquish the darkness this book is my first work I am new to writing novel so the way my story might go at first might be a little distorted so pls don't blame me but I know that this story will surely impress you so thank you

Infinite_0ne · Action
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Chapter 24 : Fleeing Avalon

Heading up the stairs they saw three more demon soldiers pulling asword from the wall Alex handed Damien a sword as he pulled an axe and they both went for the head of the demon guards. Swinging the sword at the guard Damien cut his head as he used his winds to boost his movement as Alex dived the second guard in half before slicing his head before they both passed and headed into the castle they used the kitchen to get to Alex's quarters as they split up Alex headed for the weapons room while Damien headed for the library. Getting there he saw two guards at the door turning back he saw two more heading towards him as he looked back at the oned blocking the door as he ran towards them using his elemental of water he created two swords before freezing them as he stopped in front of the first guard before dodging his attack as he stabbed his sword in his chest before turning as he dodged the attack of the second as he moved back he used his strength spell to strengthen hus next blow as he sensed the guard behind him he swung his sword to the back as he started spinning causing the air around them to disappear turining the place into a vacuum beforr he stopped as he stumped the ground creating a tremor in the prince wing as all the air came back with a deadly force killing everyone of the soldiers as Damien disappeared from his spot and appeared behind them. he opened the library and entered as he took of the necklace he was wearing which had a replica of the gem on Alex's ring but his was orange not blue but what was special about this necklace was that it contained another realm of its own, pointing it towards the shelves Damien spoke a mysterious word and all the books in the library disappeared before returning as Damien wore the necklace back it was able to copy anything into its world it was like a mirror world that could copy anything it reflects into its world and not harming the reflected object. Leaving the room Damien was running in the direction of the stables when he was stopped by two demon soldiers and someone he thought would never betray the king

"General Mawson you are part of this" Damien said shocked at what he was seeing

"well if i want to save my head then yes " he said walking towards Damien " Damien i know you strong heck you even proved it by taking out four demon soldiers but look at your odds to win its a thread so please stop i dont want you dead" General Mawson said

"eight" Damien said confusing the General

"what ?"he asked Damien confused

"eight guards i killed " Damien said swinging his hands creating two wind blades that slit the necks of the two guards behind the General as Damien used the General confusion to his advantage as he ran for the nearest window and broke it with as he dived through it falling from the castles height Damien used his winds to fly straight for the stables where he saw about nineteen horses galloo out of it as he landed next to the stables where Alex held two horses for them.

"do you know General Mawson is part of this cue?" Damien asked as he mounted the horse

"what then he will pay for betraying my father" Alex said as they both galloped away in the direction the horses took into the woods as they disappeared.

Galloping through the woods they eventually caught up with the horses as they guarded them to the tunnels exit where they meet the soldiers and Natasha.

"get on a horse we need to head far away from this woods" Alex said as the soldiers mounted a horse

"where should we go then?" a soldier asked

"the valley there is a valley in the outskirts of Avalon boarder we go there they won't find us " another said answering the others question

"fine we go to the outskirts" Damien said as he and Alex galloped in the direction of Avalon's borders where the outskirts was leading the soldiers and Natasha toward the border.

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