What if Leylin was not the only person who reincarnated in the Magus world? What would this additional variable change in the story? A/N: Story will be completely different from the original. Cover Art does not belong to me ;)
Evangeline Crown, who was surprised to see her realm of strength revealed in the open, squinted: "Ten hits from you? You are underestimating me! You are a preparatory knight yourself"
Her words caused the other boys to laugh: "Have you heard her? She thinks that she can take 10 hits from George!"
"I will bet 50 gold coins on her though! Have you seen her crest? She is from that Phuinem Kingdom, which has produced dozens of Grand Knights over the past century. Who knows? She might have learnt from a Grand Knight", another boy said
"Challenge accepted! I will bet on George though...We all sparred with him, and I doubt any of us managed to land a single hit on him...", the son of Viscount Formier spoke
Some knew George from noble events that took place in the Sarad Kingdom, others had become acquainted with him during spars and conversations in the carriages. Unlike other high-ranking noble heirs, George was quite open-minded and easygoing. Many of the boys and girls who had joiend the Furze Alliance were actually from low-ranking Knight Households. After all, the high-ranking ones had already joined the [United Alliance], led by the Duke Heir Paul Anderson, a young preparatory knight.
George unsheathed his sword, and he could feel the killing intent from the knight Hugo who was guarding Evangeline.
However, he didn't pay him any attention. Even though he was no knight, George had confidence that Hugo would not reveal his true strength that easily. He seemed like an assassin after all.
Seeing George so serious, not answering to his provocation, Evangeline unsheated her sword too.
George wielded a large Claymore, which weighed over 6 kilograms. It allowed him to possess a decisive power and weight advantage over his opponents. His high dexterity and strength also allowed him not to be inferior to his opponents in terms of speed.
Evangeline wielded a rapier. You could hardly slash an opponent with this kind of sword, and it was wielded in order to target vital areas. Fast and easy to wield, it was the preferred type of sword for those who lacked strength and possessed high speed.
Evangeline made the first move, moving forward with all of her might, not daring to underestimate George. Although she considered herself to be a genius, she had heard a lot of good things about George Lionheart and his family. She knew that he wouldn't be an easy opponent, or else she would have chosen to join the [United Alliance], rather than the [Furze Alliance].
Her rapier pierced through the air, and a whistling sound reverberated in the air, shocking many youths observing the fight with great interest.
George, however, remained calm, and parried the strike strongly, disarming Evangeline by using the difference of strength and weight attached to their respective arms and weapons. His large claymore stopped an inch away from Evangeline's throat.
In one single clash, Evangeline had been defeated.
George could feel the terrifying killing intent from Hugo, but it quickly disappeared after the man realized that George stopped his blade and controlled it so proficiently.
"Mm...It was close...I will allow you to fight with the boys. Don't grow complacent just because I acknowledge your skills though...We will encounter enemies that can block your rapier just like I did", George spoke with humility.
Although everything happens so fast, everyone started to cheer.
Evangeline, however, closed her eyes and looked up in the sky. She could see the stars and cursed them. They looked like they were pitying her.
'I was too full of myself...So this is what a real sword genius is like...', she thought, 'George Lionheart...I am grateful to you for being the first person to spar with me without holding back...and making me realize that I am not that talented in the way of sword'