
Chapter 1

"If I sign this, will I be able to have a second chance?"

"Of course."

I look at a shady lady in front of me for a second before singing the paper in her hand.

"Good. You will notice the difference tomorrow morning. It is nice to have business with you, mister Gabriel."

"I hope you are right."

I look outside the window and release a tired sigh. I don't really care anymore. I will soon be dead anyway. I did not have anything to lose any longer. My girlfriend decided to leave me, my parents decided to close their eyes on me, and I didn't have any money left.

All of these happened because I got cancer and am now on my deathbed. The doctor said that I only had a few weeks left, and I could feel that the doctor was telling me the truth. I can feel my body get eaten from the inside out.

While I was watching the outside world from my room, a beautiful lady walked inside my room while holding a stack of paper. She is a pale-skinned woman with black hair described as "somewhere between wavy and curly," worn a little longer than shoulder length. She wears a tailored black suit with a white dress shirt, a black tie, and a fedora.

She looks more like a mafia than a businesswoman, in my opinion.

She came here to give me a 'second chance' and let me work for the company she is currently in. I don't really care if it was a scam that only wants my signature as I don't really have anything left in my life. Do they want to scam my parents? Heh, let them be.

I will take it as revenge from me. Let them suffer for abandoning me and take all my hard-earned money. It was my revenge for them taking the company that I created from the ground up. I will laugh from my grave when the company crumbles into dust.

I laugh at them from hell.

"Cough Cough"

Urgh. Dammit. Let me have my own revenge fantasy! Haaaa. I know that the world is unfair, but I never thought that it would be like this. I am just at the peak of my life. My company is growing at a fast pace; I have a beautiful girlfriend and have many friends.

However, just like an illusion, all of them are gone. One night my parents decided to forge my signature and swap the ownership of my company to them. My girlfriend is not really my girlfriend but rather leeches that suck all my money from the inside. My friend is nothing but a Yes-people who only smiles when they are in front of me and say poisonous words when far away from me.

Haaaaa. Second chance, huh? I wonder if I just signed a contract with a devil. Meh. I think I'm happier working for a devil than having this life.


Later that night, Gabriel Hanata released his last breath. The only people who are sad at his passing are the doctors and nurses taking care of him. Even with that many betrayals, Gabriel still has his kind nature and is always nice to the doctor and nurse that is taking care of him.

Sadly, his kindness will never be appreciated by the people close to him. No one came to see his funeral as even his blood family did not want to come. However, Gabriel's story is not over just yet.

Instead of being greeted by infinite darkness after he is dead, Gabriel sees that he is inside a white room. He looks around and sees many people sleeping while wearing a hospital gown just like him.

"Where am I?"

"Welcome to the living world, Agent Y-889012."

Gabriel looks to his left and sees a man wearing a doctor outfit holding a stack of paper in his hand.

"Pardon me?"

"That is your code name. You officially join our company in exchange for a second chance in life, am I right?"

"Wait! That thing is real?!"

"Of course. Now please get up. We need to run a few tests to see if your new body is working properly."

"Before we do that, can I ask you a question?"

"Hmmm? You are rather calm about this, good. Ask your question."

"How can I be here? And how my body did not feel any pain?"

"That is easy enough. We, the company, take away your soul and put you inside a new body, and that is the reason why we need to check if your body works properly."

"Ah, I see."

"Anyway, please follow me."

Gabriel gets down from the bed and follows the doctor through a futuristic-looking corridor, and he can see many people with the same clothes as him. After walking through the corridor for a minute, they arrive inside a massive lab filled with many kinds of machinery.

Gabriel can see many naked people inside a tube filled with green liquid. Just like in the corridor, he can see many non-human individuals walking around. He wants to ask the doctor who they are but decides to wait.

"Alright, Please get inside the tube. We will fill it with some liquid but don't worry; you can breathe even when you are inside that."


Gabriel got inside the tube, and the doctor put some device on his chest, stomach, legs, arms, and forehead. After, the tube begins to be filled with a green liquid. He a little bit panicked for a moment before releasing a relieved sigh when he could breathe even when this liquid drowned him.

The doctor looks at the monitor next to the tube and nods his head. A minute later, the liquid gets drained from the tube. The doctor opens the tube and takes all the devices from Gabriel's body before saying.

"You are good to go. Please follow me. All your remaining questions will be answered shortly."

Gabriel follows the doctor to another room, where he is given some clothes for him to wear. They then continue to walk through the corridor before they arrive in front of a double door.

"Please get inside. Don't worry. All your questions will be answered when you get inside."

"Understood. Thank you for your time, doc."

"Heh. Don't worry about it."

The doctor opens the door and lets Gabriel see a middle-aged man sitting behind a long desk sitting on the chair. He can see a massive stack of paperwork on the table and a bottle of red liquid next to it.

"Ah! You must be Agent Y-889012! Welcome to the Company!"

Thank you for reading! If you want to support me and read more chapters please visit my P@treon!


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