
Angor met many storms on The Redbud but none lasted for such a long time. The steersman could always control the ship to move out of the stormy area within half an hour.

The cloud whale never stopped flying. Seven hours should be enough for the creature to get around the Old Earth for more than once. So why were they still inside the storm?

How much area was affected by the storm? The entire Devil's Water? Angor could not believe his own idea. If it was true, this storm was as terrible as the Thunder of Ending recorded in the fairytale of Goldspink Empire.

He could not think of anything else when the truth was right in front of his eyes.

The Thunder of Ending, or whatever it was, did not matter. He was a mortal. Someone else was there to control the situation. With that in mind, Angor relaxed his spirit.

However, he soon began to worry about Toby.

Did Toby get back to the tent in this weather?