
Warhammer: Rogue Trader CYOA Story

=== Author: gothicjedi666 === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13854108/1/Rogue-Trader-CYOA-Story-1 === Synopsis: I've been asked a few times by reviewers to do a Warhammer 40k story, but it's not a universe I wish to find myself stuck in for any length of time, so I used the Rogue Trader CYOA to come up with a setup that could lead to a ship and people from the 40k universe going to more sane dimensions thanks to a special Dark Age of Technology drive. This drive was created shortly before the AI rebellion and the Warp Storms screwed over the most advanced human civilization that the universe ever knew. It allows the captain of the ship to go anywhere he can envision using some psyker power and cool tech that messes with the Warp. The SI has psykers powers that he doesn't know much about due to Inquisition's meddling, an IOM light cruiser which might as well be unstoppable in some science fiction universes, a Guard Regiment of veteran soldiers who will obey the SI's orders and a warrant telling him that he can pretty much do as he pleases outside of the IOM. No one in the IOM will try to stop him even if they could as long as he brings back nice stuff for the forge world that supports him and cooperates with his allies. He will have to return to the 40k universe for resupply and repair work, but that risk is manageable. Due to his rank, he has a lot more leeway when it comes to dealing with aliens than most IOM humans so he doesn't need to kill all the non-humans as long as he isn't seen to get too friendly with them. He has a battle harem, but they don't have real personalities they are more like bodyguards who can also serve as eye candy. So he might as well recruit skilled females for his crew or clone them if he doesn't mind waiting. He'll also need a few wives to provide him with heirs. Rogue Traders will often gather an entourage of hangers-on and companions, and this may contain alien warriors, mutants, and other undesirables who would normally be unacceptable in polite Imperial society, as such he has options for companions. He can fight in wars, go after space pirates, destroy entire hostile Xenos races, and save humans. He can plunder whole worlds just to make a profit. He just needs to keep his coffers full and bring back some shiny stuff. Should he bring back enough to appease the forge-world and impress his allies I'll give the SI more fun toys taken from the CYOA and maybe even a more powerful starship. Can't say that I'm happy with this first couple of chapters, but they do contain a lot of information that explains who and what Rogue Traders are, as what the Imperials will do, and the story will get more entertaining I promise. Please share some ideas with me either here or on my patron where I am also Gothicjedi666. I post draft chapters on that site you might not have seen here and I don't have many supporters even though I have lots of people reading my stories. To those that do support my writing, I want to say a quick thank you.

DaoistViking · Video Games
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224 Chs

Chapter One Hundred And Forty-Eight

The Enduring Triumph. In Orbit of Korlus.

When I returned to my ship as part of the preparations getting underway for withdrawing from the world we'd been plundering for weeks, I was invited to Miranda's rather plain quarters. When I entered her living space I found that Oriana was seated next to Miranda on the couch, and as I watched she leaned in to hold her sister in an embrace that wasn't sisterly.

Both of the young women were dressed in what I assumed to be some sort of sexy sleepwear, but I'd never seen the style before all I knew was that they were white and transparent enough to hint at what was underneath without showing much. Judging by the hair and the nice smelling perfume they'd gone to some effort to pretty themselves up for me.

Miranda quickly explained to me that she was pregnant and while this was good news I'd gone through this many times before so I was easily able to handle this information. My lack of a reaction confused the two women, at least until I explained to them that I wasn't shocked because I'd been trying to get the former Cerberus operative knocked up.

In the past I'd celebrated each addition to my dynasty, be they heirs like those provided to me by Dany or children born out of wedlock like those I had with Missandei and Yara Greyjoy. There could be some I didn't even know about. Although I doubted it since I had the habit of acquiring any females that I felt were desirable.

Then she told me how we were going to celebrate if I gave my permission, and I was pleased to see that my subtle efforts to influence their minds had been effective, not that I dwelled on this for long because without warning Oriana got up and wrapped her arms around my neck, before pressing her face into mine so that we could start kissing. It seemed that Ori didn't intend to waste any time.

As soon as we stopped kissing for a moment I looked over to see Miranda watching with what I knew to be an aroused look on her face rather than jealously or anger. Clearly she'd dealt with any apprehension about this threesome before I'd arrived. Not surprising given how efficient she could be in many matters.

While my newest wife watched my lips moved down to Oriana's neck as I kissed the spots I knew Miranda like me to touch with lips as I put my arms around the younger of the two sisters. This action resulted in the less mature of the two clones making noises that signalled her growing arousal.

After several minutes of more hot and heavy making out, it turned out that Miranda could restrain herself no longer. As I watched she locked her lips against Oriana's, taking her younger sister-clone in a passionate kiss. I might have overdone it with making them attracted to each other as now they were exploring each other's bodies while sitting on the couch as I watched.

"Does my little sister like having her tits played with?" Miranda whispered into Ori's ear.

I really did good work with the mental manipulations.

"Mmm... yes..." she moaned in response.

I began to undress as I watched the sex show these two were putting on at least somewhat for me. They both had their hands inside each others outfits and I figured that I could have driven my dick into either of them without any need for foreplay.

"So is this a thank you for me or what?" I asked.

Both of the engineered women stopped what they were doing and got off the sofa so that they could face me. After exchanging looks they began to undress, which took mere seconds, and like before I noticed that they were very alike only Ori hadn't filled out as much. I wondered if in a few years there would be much to tell them apart aside from their hairstyles.

"Like what you see?" said Miranda with a grin, slapping her own ass as she spoke "We were engineered to be perfect in every way, including sex".

I could well believe it having gone to bed with the older sister many times.

"Our father must be one hell of perv, when you think about it" Oriana mused.

I was not the only person to have considered this.

"Let's not think about him. This is about our new family" said the older sister "Now sit down I want to put on a show for our lord and master".

Once the younger sibling was sitting down Miranda slithered down Oriana's body. Before long she was kneeling next to me with her face between her sister's legs. Then Miranda dove into her sister's pussy and began licking it quite expertly in my opinion. Oriana spread her legs wide as I finished undressing as soon as my erection came into view she looked transfixed. She might be bisexual, but by the looks of things she more interested in what I had to offer than what her sister was doing.

"What's it like, going down on your own clone?" I asked.

Miranda didn't respond to that as her mouth was busy.

"I can tell you it feels amazing" offered Ori.

For a while I watched the scene and gave it my full attention until Miranda freed herself from Oriana's legs, planting kisses before ending the oral sex session.

"Ori, I think it's time that your big sister taught you how to give a blowjob" said the older sister before she turned to face me "Take a seat".

Once I was sitting Miranda and Oriana knelt in front of me. Miranda handled my cock with her normal expertise, and began jerking me off slowly, showing her sister how to please a man. Ori took over after a while and got some praise from her older sibling.

"Now that you've got that down, let's get to the good part," Miranda said.

Oriana watched closely as her older sister took my cock into her mouth and moved her lips down to the base off my dick without gagging. She then began to pleasure me, only it stopped before too long as Miranda didn't want me to finish in her mouth.

"Go ahead, Ori. Give it a try," Miranda encouraged "Don't worry if you can't quite get the whole thing in".

It took her a few moments to really get going until eventually, Oriana took my member in her mouth, and began swallowing my cock. She was able to get herself about two thirds of the way down the length, then she started sputtering slightly.

"Open your mouth and relax your throat" the older sister instructed "See if you can get it all the way in".

Miranda was behind her sister, gently pushing on the back of her head, guiding her. With some help Ori was able to take in the full length of my cock. Which really shouldn't be possible, so it had be the protect of careful genetic engineering.

"You're a natural, Ori" my wife praised my sister-in-law.

After too short of a time Oriana came up for air, not that she'd been suffocating since she'd been breathing through her nose.

"You did an excellent job," praised Miranda. "Do you think you're ready for the main event?"

"Yes, please," Oriana said,

The younger sister was now rubbing herself in anticipation as she went and laid down on the bed. Miranda strutted over to her bed, and ran her hands over her younger clone's naked body. She kissed Oriana, tongue reaching into her mouth, before pulling away.

"Go ahead and spread your legs apart" she instructed "We'll start with the standard missionary"

I moved and knelt between Oriana's legs, before lining my hard cock up with what could be a virgin cunt, something I'd soon find out about. I pushed myself in slowly, an inch at a time until my cock found her barrier. I saw Oriana hold onto Miranda's hand, and her eyes went wide as I broke her maidenhead.

"You took my baby sister's virginity" remarked my wife "I hope your enjoying your gift".

The two women talked to each other, but I didn't hear their words as I was too focused on fucking my wife's virgin sister/clone, which even for me is a very strange thing to be happening. I slid out of her cunt, and then back in. I fucked Oriana slowly, building up speed over time as she got used to the action.

"Ori, watching you get fucked like this is the hottest thing I've ever seen" admitted Miranda "But I think we can make this even hotter".

My newest wife moved so that she was kneeling over Oriana's head. She lowered her sex onto her clone's face and before long she was moaning in pleasure. Given this it was not surprising that I didn't last much longer, not that Ori minded as she was screaming into her sister's snatch as I pumped her now deflowered cunt with my cum.

Once my cum had been safely deposited the freshly fucked pussy of my young sister-in-law I got off and laid down on the bed.

Since I needed some recovery time between erections I'd taken some time to rest on the bed with the two sisters haven't taken this chance to clean up a little and then they'd started chatting about something or other while one or the other would reach out to play with my cock. They talked as only sisters can about stuff no man could ever care about.

Once it was hard enough the two clones sat up on the bed and it didn't seem odd at all that I'd gotten hard again so soon, not with these two very sexy women eager for more carnal pleasure.

"Alright, Ori. Now that you've been fucked, it's time to teach you how to satisfy a man" said Miranda.

Before anything else could happen my wife was straddling my waist.

"Any slut can lie on her back and get fucked" the former Cerberus operative told her sister "When you're the one doing the work it's a bit more complex".

Miranda lowered her wet snatch onto my cock, enveloping it in her tight, wet pussy. She ran a hand up my chest and used that limb to steady herself as she began moving slowly. Her other hand reached between her own legs, and now Miranda was rubbing her clitoris as she rode me.

"You can play with yourself when riding a cock" she told her younger sister "but you need to keep moving if you want your lover to enjoy himself".

Oriana watched as Miranda rode me expertly, while fingering herself like a horny teenager, which she was. The older sister moved slowly at first and the picking up the pace, she didn't need to keep touching herself as she rather enjoyed the feeling of my dick inside her. Only to my displeasure she stopped rather suddenly and dismounted, going as far as to stand by the bed as she began to instruct her younger sibling. Miranda really seemed to enjoy

Oriana mounted me and I slide into her easily as my cock was still wet. She began bouncing on me rather awkwardly at first, but Miranda's gentle hands guided her body, showing her sister how to do this in a way that didn't make Ori seemed like she gotten a sugar high. Not that I would fault the younger woman's eagerness to please.

"That's it" Miranda encouraged.

My wife helped her sister to feel pleasure so that Ori came before I did and rather loudly too. Normally a woman takes more time to reach a climax, at least in my experience, and its the man who can end up finishing first.

Oriana rolled off me and bit her lower lip.

"I've never felt like that before" she admitted.

Lucky for me Miranda didn't mind taking up her old position and finishing me off with her expert sex skills. I didn't last much longer, not when she began telling me about the things she wanted to do with her sister and me when we got the chance.