The Red Keep. Kings Landing.
"Your brother sent a message to Lysa Arryn demanding her surrender" I informed Dany as we relaxed together after fucking "She's not replied so I'll be going to Vale to route her out of her keep".
I could tell right away that my wife was not happy to hear this news. Not that I blamed her.
"Max I've barely seen you since we got married" she said "You're always rushing off somewhere. Not so long ago you were off in the Riverlands".
While the life of a Rogue Trader came with my privileges it also kept me very busy. I still had a fair bit to do before the Seven Kingdoms were secure enough for me to leave their running to others. Sure the Vale was the only kingdom not once bending the knee to the dragon, but unless I crushed that resistance swiftly others would start to think that Imperial might could be challenged. Besides, a swift conquest where I took the Eyrie and deposed Lysa Arryn was best because it would be less brutal than a proper invasion, and I had no desire to be cruel.
"Duty comes first my dear" I said to the Targaryen princess.
She was lying on her stomach on the bed because she knew how much I enjoyed looking at her butt. Not that her front wasn't also sexy. I just happened to be a butt guy and she'd picked up on that. Me placing a few grapes on her buttocks before eating them off her would have clued her in even if my past actions hadn't.
"I get lonely when you are gone," complained Dany.
While I was no fan of marriage I found that I didn't mind having a wife even if she could be demanding at times.
"The royal wedding is coming up" I reminded the misses "They'll be arrangements to be made".
Sure the Tyrells would try to dominate the event, but I felt sure that Dany could get involved if she really wanted to.
"And don't forget Yara and Missandei" I said "I'm sure that they will keep you amused as they have before".
Dany favoured me with a naughty smile.
"Yes and you won't get to watch what we get up to" she teased.
I could imagine and it wouldn't be too much work to get them to recreate any fun that they had without me, assuming that my wife wasn't simply trying to mess with my head.
"Hopefully I won't be gone for long" I was now saying "It's really only House Arryn that won't bend the knee, once I deal with them the others should fall in line".
There was no more talking or eating of fruit as Dany decided that there was something else we could be doing before I had to leave once again.