
Epilogue Four: The War in Heaven

The War in Heaven officially starts when the Necrontyr makes contact with the Deceiver and gives the C'tan bodies. The C'tan are naturally occurring parts of the universe that help regulate aspects of the materium. To combat the literal Gods the Old Ones can summon, the Necrontyr create artificial Gods. Taking these cosmic beings and using them to power/control idols of their Gods, creating the twisted and ravenous C'tan we know. Each of the C'tan is more than a match for all but the most powerful Old One and the War in Heaven starts.

The Old Ones ruled the Milky Way for millions of years of relative peace with the K'nib, Aeldari and Slann the only combat-ready species under their control. (The Slann are a species of reptilian bio-robots created from the Old One's original organic forms. Consisting of numerous caste-species designed for a specific role. The Lizardmen of WHFB are these, and the Slann as we know them were simply the most powerful leader/conduit caste) Till now these three species were enough to defend the galaxy from the Tyranids, rogue species and other threats. They prove lacking in face of the Silver Legions of the Necrons. The Old Ones assemble literal armies of Gods to fight the C'tan with some success. The discovery that the Old One's psi-material (analogous to wraithbone) Blackstone can be inverted, utterly dooms the Old Ones war effort. The power of the Old Ones and their Gods is severely neutered. Only the God-Callers can bypass this newly discovered "pariah effect" but they are few and their summoned deities cannot persist under the Blackstone's effects.

Trillions die, entire species are devoured and converted into Necrons. Entire sectors become dead zones inhabited only by cold necrodermis and hungry Star-Gods. The increasingly desperate Old Ones create entire species as cannon fodder, little slows the steady advance of the Yngir. Finally, long sacred rules on the creation of species are violated and a new weapon is deployed. Designed to exist solely for War and unified by a form of psychic circuit and God that feeds off every aspect of its species. The Krorks are given life and the tide turns. This green tide slams into the Silver Legions and the line is held.

For millions of years, the Galaxy exists in a terrible state of War. Entire species and worlds are born and killed in this period of gigadeath. This is the War in Heaven proper. The Krork and Aeldari form the main force against the Necrons and both species thrive in the nightmare that this is. Khaine grows in power and the Aeldari god-callers struggle to control him. (This is far before Eldenesh's time) Eventually, the stalemate is broken in a single calamitous event, Nyadra'zatha, the Burning One, C'tan of Energy breaches the Webway under orders of Mag'ladroth, the Void Dragon and First among the C'tan. The Old One's mobility advantage is destroyed and the C'tan gain the upper hand. More gigadeath follows and entire hosts of Old Ones are devoured.

The Old Ones have not been idle in the time they had, the Craftsman has worked to build weapons capable of killing a C'tan. The Black Stone Fortresses are completed and the Void Dragon is critically wounded. A few pieces of the Void Dragon are split off in the battle and become the first lesser C'tan shards. The Silent King secretly captures them and starts to study how to beat the C'tan, who in his mind have betrayed his people. With the Void Dragon MIA, the War in Heaven reaches new lows. For all his evil and power, the Void Dragon acted as a voice of order and control among the C'tan. With him gone, the C'tan's unity starts to fracture as "food" becomes scarce.

Soon only the most well-defended enclaves of the Old Ones remain and any attempt to breach them fails. In one such effort, Khaine duels the Nightbringer and wins, but some of the two beings' essence is exchanged. Increasingly desperate, the hungry C'tan start engaging in Cannibalism to fuel their addiction and gain power. The Deceiver orchestrates this and drives the Outsider insane. Previously devouring another C'tan was the gravest punishment and highest award among the C'tan. Something only the Void Dragon and a few others had done successfully. The feeding frenzy that starts among the C'tan winnows them down from thousands to a few dozen. All incredibly powerful and mostly insane. It's only a matter of time before the last Fortress-sectors of the Old Ones fall. Or worse, turned into mind-farms as some C'tan had done to combat the shortage.

Desperate and fearing not just extinction but the end of all organic life. The Old Ones unleash their final weapon. One they had long theorized but never dared create. The Gods the Old Ones create are based on a singular species and are powered by that species. Attempts to have Gods created from multiple species produced dangerous and insane beings, the product of innate incompatibilities between different sapient organisms. Similarly attempts to create monogods instead of pantheons produced schizoid beings stretched thin by varying beliefs. So for as long as the Old Ones ruled the Warp, they created precise Gods that formed a pantheon for a single species. In the madness born of looming extinction, they broke those rules.

Chaos was born, a singular/many-faced God that could be powered by all soul-bearing life. It is the ultimate Warp-weapon. Taking the self-perpetuating system of the Krorks, the power and passion of the Aeldari, the insidious infection of the K'nib and every other Old One creation and perfecting it. In an attempt to control this newborn god-complex, the Old Ones shattered it into pieces and bound those pieces to certain species to have more control over Chaos. The K'nib were bound to the 7th piece, the Aeldari to the 6th and the 8th. The Craftsman took the most controlling piece, the 5th for himself, to try and steer this creation. For a time these efforts worked and Chaos fought the C'tan. Armies of Daemons battling the Necrons.

Quickly, control was lost as Chaos grew, worming its way through the Warp and learning to feed on every possibility in the Deep Warp and Multiverse. Soon the Old Ones find themselves facing two apocalyptic threats, dueling for the right to devour the Cosmos. At this time the Silent King approaches the Old Ones and does the impossible. He offers a truce and alliance. The deal is simple, the Old Ones give the Necrons what they always wanted, perfect flesh. In exchange, the knowledge of both sides is put to use ending the War. The Old Ones accept and the work begins. Combining the secrets of the Materium and Immaterium leads to the creation of the Tesseract Vaults and weapons that can permanently destroy a Daemon or C'tan. The Flayer is assassinated and the Old One's theories on what would happen if a C'tan were to be destroyed are confirmed. So they enact Plan-B and the C'tan are sharded and locked away.

With that victory, the Old Ones and Necrons unite and battle the forces of Chaos. The chosen species of the Old Ones are locked away in pocket systems hidden in the Webway and superweapons are unleashed. The Necrons and their harrowing tools of destruction duel the Daemons in the physical plane, while the Old Ones unleash the Enslavers in the Materium. The devastation is extraordinary and it seems Chaos is destroyed, but the Galaxy is in ruins. The few remaining Old Ones pledge to honor their deal with the Silent King and create a new perfect breed of Necrontyr for his people to transfer into. But they need time to heal the galaxy and build the infrastructure needed for such a project. The Old Ones estimate it will take 60 million years, and so the Great Sleep begins and the Silent King departs the galaxy.

The Old Ones set to work but run into numerous complications. The Krork were left behind to fight and die alongside the Necrons, their warlike nature not suitable for rebuilding. However, a few spores survived the War in Heaven's climax and restart the Krorkish reproduction cycle. The psychic circuit that made up the Krorks god is badly damaged and split in two. Fractured, uncontrollable, and existing only for war, the Orks are born. They are, however, the secondary threat to the Galaxy's rebirth. Chaos persists, having thoroughly wormed its way into the Warp. Its corruption spreads and both the Old One and God fall under its sway. After a number of calamitous betrayals, the ever-dwindling Old One's hideaway in the Webways deepest parts. Working on solutions to Chaos and to honor the oaths to the Necrons. Over millions of years contact between Old Ones and the Galaxy becomes rarer and rarer. The Aeldari and K'nib war over rulership of the Galaxy, and the Empire of a Million Suns rises from that conflict.

The secrets of God Calling are lost with the Old Ones and only a few Callers persist through the cycles of reincarnation. Until only two remain, Eldanesh and his brother Ulthanesh. (God-Callers are by definition Anathema to Chaos, being a Mortal imposing a species will on the Materium.) Strife between the two brothers gives Khaine an opening. The War God is increasingly unstable, the infection of Chaos worming through him. Eldanesh refuses to help Khaine, realizing the God, who he calls friend, is becoming twisted. Without Ulthanesh's help, Eldanesh is killed by Khaine and Chaos plays its hand. The united Aeldari stand against the rising Chaos and Ulthanesh (with the Craftsman's help) rips the poison of Chaos from Khaine and frees the Bloody-Handed-One. That torn-off piece of Khaine is cast into the Warp and provides the seed for the 8th piece of Chaos to be reborn. Seeing the dangers of God-Calling and the other Gods becoming corrupted, Ulthanesh lets the secrets of God-Calling die with him. (But some fragment of this knowledge persists and was rediscovered by the Craftworld bearing his name. Setting Eldrad in canon on the path to creating Ynnead.