
The Cipher HeresyRough_TimeST0RIES


The Cipher Heresy is an alternate Heresy where Leman Russ is the Arch Traitor. Yeah. That's... that's about it lol


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: The Overview

Chapter Text

The Cipher Heresy is an alternate Heresy where Leman Russ is the Arch Traitor.

The list below states the loyalties of each Primarch and what comes of them after the Heresy.

Roboute Gilliman (Ultramarines)

Traitor, Becomes Tzeetch's pet Daemon Prince

Fulgrim (Emperor's Children)

Loyal, is killed during the Heresy.

Perturbo (Iron Warriors)

Loyal, Survives the Heresy

Jaghatai Khan (White Scars)

Traitor, Becomes Chaos Undivided Warband

Leman Russ (Space Wolves)

Arch Heretic, Killed during Heresy

Rogal Dorn (Imperial Fist)

Traitor, Becomes Nurgle's Daemon Prince

Konrad Cruze (Nightlords)

Loyal, Missing (joins Angron, Magnus, and Vulkan on their pilgrimage)

Sanguinius (Blood Angels)

Loyal, Survives Heresy

Ferrus Manus (Iron Hands)

Loyal, is killed(?) during Dropsite Massacre

Angron (World Eaters)

Loyal, Missing (joins Konrad, Magnus, and Vulkan on their pilgrimage)

Magnus the Red (Thousand Sons)

Loyal, Missing (joins Angron, Konrad, and Vulkan on their pilgrimage)

Mortican (Death Guard)

Loyal, survives Heresy

Horus (Sons of Horus)

Traitor, Becomes Khorne's Champion

Logar (Word Bearers)

Traitor, Killed during Heresy

Vulkan (Salamanders)

Loyal, Missing (joins Angron, Magnus, and Konrad on their pilgrimage)

Corvus Corax (Raven Guard)

Traitor, Becomes Slaanesh's Daemon Prince

Alpharius Omegon (Alpha Legion)

Traitor(s), Both killed during Heresy

The Lion (Dark Angels)

Traitor, Killed(?) during Drop Site Massacre


So what happened that allowed these odd changes to happen in this timeline, in this alternate Heresy? Well… Let's see shall we?

Roboute Gilliman (Ultramarines)

Before being approached by Leman Russ, Papa Smurf here was being twisted ALREADY by Tzeetch, so his mind was already being tainted, even if he didn't know it. Tzeentch fed him more and more thoughts of superiority, scheming, and soon he had turned himself and the Ultramarines over to the Lord of Change.

Fulgrim (Emperor's Children)

When Fulgrim saw the Layer Blade he immediately called for the ENTIRE temple to be nuked. That was it. He saw that thing and thought "My ass ain't worth it." Afterwards, he and Ferrus Manus became the ultimate Brother Duo, and became a close friend to Perturabo.

Perturabo (Iron Warriors)

Perturbo was basically the same except during his time with Magnus and Vulkan, he slowly actually began to lighten up a bit, Vulkan and Magnus letting the once pissy Primarch join them on their missions. Even after being denied the building of the Imperial Palace, it didn't bother him because Vulkan and Magnus actually were being buddies with him and the trio helped each other out. In fact, after he built THEIR defenses, other Primarchs like Fulgrim, Ferrus, and Angron asked for their defenses to be updated by him!

Jaghatai Khan (White Scars)

While in canon he united the nations of his world, instead he landed in a nation that was far more violent, so he fought to conquer and enslave instead of unite. So his violent tendencies he gained made him an outcast. It didn't help that he saw the God Emperor as a foul fool, and kept secrets from him and his brothers.

Leman Russ (Space Wolves)

Leman Russ is probably the most loyal of all the Primarchs, so how would he even become the Arch Heretic? Well, like Horus he was selected, but not for the chaos that was already there but for the exact reason that he IS loyal! The Chaos Lords saw how corrupting such a loyal leader would be devastating to the Imperium, so they slowly began to throw chaos at him. Demons, relics, cultists. Slowly every wound and meeting Leman had corrupted his mind and soul, eventually fully twisting him into the Imperium's first Traitor Primarch. It didn't help that they had also enhanced his well-known hatred for Pyschers to the highest degree, causing his failure to get them all exterminated during the Council of Nikea to finally push him over the edge.

Rogal Dorn (Imperial Fist)

Similar to the Robutian Heresy, the Orks devastated Rogal Dorn's small personal empire. So he was indeed bitter. But in this timeline he had a bout of rage that had him attack the Iron Warriors. It was this treachery that Leman Russ used to gain Rogal Dorn as an ally. And it didn't help that Nurgle was also whispering in his mind, promising the most unbeatable and powerful defenses ever known to the Imperium. And when he saw Peturabo build more and more defenses for his brothers, his jealousy grew to new heights.

Konrad Cruze (Nightlords)

Visions were indeed invading the leader of the Nightlords, but in this case they were blurry and confusing. At first, he thought is was his dwindling mental state. But after a chance conversation with Magnus, they BOTH realized that something was up so they began to try and clear the visions up. This allowed Konrad to begin to heal his mind alongside the great Psycker Primarch while also cleaning up his legion of psychos murderers, his mind clearer and had a much more clean sense of justice.

Sanguinius (Blood Angels)

He basically remains the same. But instead of being still weary of his sons' defects, he decided to approach Angron about it, seeing that he may have a solution after seeing such devastating effects the Butcher's Nails had on one's mentality. Angron, while not being able to help, did offer much council and even helped Sanguinius when he was sent to deal with an incursion of daemons, helping the Angel of Hope during such a trying time.

Ferrus Manus (Iron Hands)

While Ferrus Manus and the Iron Hands were thrown around in a Warp Storm, Magnus the Red was able to get him out of it using the Thousand Sons connected Psycker power, pulling the Iron Hands free. Thus, Ferrus Manus would not have any interaction with the forces of Chaos and even see the Psyckers as more than what he did beforehand. After being rescued from the Warp, he began working with Fulgrim and his legion far more than before, becoming instrumental during each other's more pivotal moments.

Angron (World Eaters)

Unlike in Canon, Angron never had the Butcher's Nails introduced. Instead Angron saw them in action via his fellow gladiators. So Angron began to slowly build up a revolution, focusing on revealing the dangers of the Butcher's Nails to the world and furthermore the galaxy. In this timeline, this revolution is what brought the God Emperor's attention and brought the wrath of Angron's future legion onto the slavers and anyone still loyal to them. Pledging his loyalty to the Emperor, Angron renamed his Legion after his fellow rebels, and those rebels became the first of his homeworld's Astartes. He would form a close relationship with Sangeinius and Vulkan, and even help build bonds between his brothers.

Magnus the Red (Thousand Sons)

Magnus the Red, while forced to stay on Prosbero, is actually told that he is going to be REINFORCED by Mortican, and the two were help with the Webway project while ALSO trying to slowly rebuild relations with Psychers. It was actually Angron's idea, since he's more empathetic without the Butcher's Nails and saw that if Mortican and Magnus the Red were forced to work together eventually they'd have to talk about their thoughts of each other. The two eventually come to terms with each other. Magnus also helps Konrad during his trying times, and when the enemies of the Imperium attacked, Magnus was able to seal the Webway before leaving his home to help defend Terra.

Mortican (Death Guard)

Despite his anti-psycher stance, after watching Leman Russ's tantrum during the Council of Nikea, he couldn't help but not side with his own stance, seeing it as a bit extreme, even for someone like him. Eventually, after being sent to aid Magnus on his homeworld was he able to see his own moral issues and deal with them, rebuilding the Librias in his legion and having Typhon become his first chief Librarian. Magnus even taught Mortican some Psycher skills, including something that became a trademark for the Lord of the Death Guard, a form of speed enhancement… minor teleportation.

Horus (Sons of Horus)

Horus like in Canon would be stabbed and go into a coma. Unlike canon however, this was Khorne's specific target, so Horus was seduced to rage and blood filled visions and dreams, and by the time he was awoken Horus was changed. Gone was the charismatic Primarch and replaced with a Primarch similar to canon Angron. Though he had his shit more together. Horus soon became an issue for the Imperium, with him introducing the Butcher's Nails to his legion and forcing them all to have them implemented.

Logar (Word Bearers)

Logar became quite the menace after his little Crusade. His story is that of the canon, but unlike canon, he saw the twisted mentality of the now more vicious Leman Russ and decided to introduce the Great Wolf to Chaos. Logar became the sole reason why Leman was able to become the Chaos powered Arch Traitor.

Vulkan (Salamanders)

He's the exact same. He's our loveable green giant. Fuck you I'm not going full Evil Vulkan with this.

Corvus Corax (Raven Guard)

Corvus had been twisted from the beginning. Not only being captured by the Druhkai and experimented on, he had his inner shadow daemon coaxed, making it much much more sentient and vile. By the time the God Emperor finds him, while escaping, the Raven King is more malicious and shady, obsessed with becoming a perfect balance of human and shadow. This strive for perfection would cause Slaanesh to begin to whisper in his mind, and his already cursed mind listened…

Alpharius Omegon (Alpha Legion)

The infamous secretive twins would make allies with an already Logar and thus also slowly become more outspoken and boastful. They would discard secrecy for all out assaults to prove that they were indeed the Alpha Legion. Though they still kept their secrets. All of this would have been fine and dandy for the Traitors if it hadn't caused those of Omegon's to become more and more disgusted with their legion, their Primarchs, and above all else… themselves.

The Lion (Dark Angels)

Like in canon, Lion El' Johnson fights a demon. But this demon was sent by Tzeetch as a way to fuck with the Primarchs. The demon had not only fucked with his soul, but his own physical form. He became more haggard and old, his skin paling, and fog clouded his eyes. It was only during the Dropsite Massacre that the ultimate phase of this sickness would rear its ugly head…



Isstvan III was the ultimate move in the sense of purging the "weak links" from the Traitor's ranks. But when you have more reliable allies amongst your loyalist brothers, sometimes you can live to fight another day. In the Cipher Heresy, this is what happens.

When the Traitors began to bomb the surface of the planet, the Raven Guard loyalists had already gathered their fellow loyalists to bunkers that they had built during the initial attack, telling their brothers to activate their armors' gas filters. Once the bombing had failed, and the Traitors landed to finish off the Loyalist, the Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion loyalists had already built tunnels and gathered the rest of the Loyalists to an empty Hive City. There they made a stand and fought the Traitors. Two companies of Loyalists were gathered and were able to capture one of the Traitor's attack cruisers, boarding it with damaged shuttles and fighters. They would take the cruiser back to Terra to warn the Imperium of the heresy, swearing to avenge their brothers that had fallen.



The massacre involves the Salamanders, Iron Hands, and Emperor's Children being attacked by the Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Word Bearers, and Alpha Legion, and betrayed by the White Scars, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, and Sons of Horus. In this case though, only TWO Primarchs are at the event on the surface.

The Lion and Ferrus Manus.

Ferrus Manus, upon discovering the traitorous acts of some of his brothers, became the lead commander of the loyalist legions and soon he headed down to the planet to face the traitors himself.

Eventually he met the Primarch in charge of the Traitors there… Lion El Johnson.

Ferrus Manus stood before his traitorous brother, his hammer drawn, ready to clash with the leader of the Dark Angels. The Lion was clearly more out of it than usual, his typical stoic and knightly demeanor now being traded for a tired and sickly. Despite this, when they two clashed their weapons, the power of the Lion was still clear. The Primarchs dualed while the battle raged all around them.

During the battle, the Lion suddenly jumped back, staggering. Only then did Ferrus notice an odd blue glow in his eyes. The Lion looked up at Ferrus, the glow fading for a slight second and all that came out of the Lion's mouth was…

"I'm sorry."

The Lion then haggard over, grunting and then twisted back upright, straight to the sky screaming as tentacles, wings, and spikes burst from his body. Everyone around paused and looked up at the where the once great Primarch stood. Now there stood a twisted demon of Tzeentch. Ferrus just looked on in anger and fear.

"So that is why this whole act of Heresy is happening… demons…" Ferrus would go on the full offensive, using every single trick he had up his sleeves. The battle would allow the loyalist forces to escape, as the Lion Daemon had caused the Warp to slowly seep into the battlefield, allowing a distraction. Ferrus stayed behind, despite the pleas of Fulgrim and Vulkan, who had to deal with the traitors via their flagships. Ferrus, while saddened he wouldn't get to see his brothers or his sons again, shouldered on.

"If I do not stop our brother here, the traitors have a massive weapon of mass destruction. I will free him from this twisted torture he finds himself in!" As one massive Warp tear forms behind the Lion, Ferrus pushes forward, launching the Lion and himself deep into the warp, never to be seen again…

Ferrus Manus VS Lionel Johnson CIPHER HERESY


After the Dropsite Massacre, Konrad Cruze, Mortarian, and Magnus the Red rush back to Terra, getting the news from Fulgrim and Vulkan of the traitors' acts. Once there, they are met with the remaining loyalist members of the Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, Dark Angels, White Scars, and Ultramarines, guarding the doors of the Imperial Palace with a frightening devotion. The Nightlords, Death Guard, and Thousand Sons aid in this defense, knowing that the Imperial Fists know the palace way better than any one.

Peterabo, Angron, and Sanguinius rally their troops to help defend Terra's skies alongside the Iron Hands, angry and bloodthirsty for the death of their Primarch. Vulkan and Fulgrim then arrive last, rallying the rest of the loyalists to assist in the defense of Terra.

The Traitors arrive with their full forces, rallying under the banner of the Arch Traitor Leman Russ. And the siege of Terra began.

The two sides clashed, their armies taking up arms from across the planet and skies. Titans sounded their horns of war and bolter fire tore Marines apart. Leman Russ led Rogal Dorn and Logar to the throne room, but was met with opposition in the forms of Perturabo and Angron. Logar and Rogal Dorn face off with them while Leman Russ pushes them to the side to face their father.

Leman Russ faces down his father in the throne room, and once again the battle between God Emperor and Arch Heretic rages. Leman Russ, using the powers of Chaos and his own ferocity, gains the edge over the Emperor, but is stopped by Fulgrim, who stabs the once great Primarch in the back. It's now two against one, but in a fit of pure rage, during the fight Leman Russ grab's Fulgrim's neck and snaps it, killing his brother. The Emperor, more enraged than ever, grabs Leman Russ in return and tosses him out a window and flies out after him, the two clashing in the air.

The two crash to the ground, the Emperor's blade plunged straight through Leman's heart. Without hesitation, the Emperor then blasts his son's soul, rendering the once great Primarch utterly and truly defeated. But like always, he is heavily wounded, and is placed on the Golden Throne.

After the Heresy was over, the remaining Primarchs began to chase the traitors all the way back to the Eye of Terror, where they all disappeared. The Primarchs would help build the Imperial Cult, but with Vulkan, Angron, Sangineus, and Magnus working together, they devise a cult built more with compassion and respect. The cold dark of the Imperium would exist, but the cruelty and grim actions would not be as strong as they are in canon.

Perturabo, Sangenius, and Mortican would stay in the Imperium to help lead and defend, whilst Angron, Magnus, Vulkan, and Konrad go on a pilgrimage to try and learn more about Chaos and how to beat it. Alongside that they would try to find a way to reopen the Webway.



Dark Angels

As their Primarch truly fell to Chaos, many were divided. Some wanted to try and repent to the Imperium, seeing that they were fooled and twisted by the Lion. Others wanted to continue the Lion's new found legacy of spreading Chaos. And thus they separated, the traitors joining up with the Space Wolves during the Siege of Terra, while the redemption seekers sought the Emperor's Children.

The Loyalist Dark Angels were welcomed in, becoming the first of the Emperor's Children's many successor chapters.

The Traitor Dark Angels became members of the dreaded Wolf Legion or joined the Ultramarines and followed Tzeentch.

Emperor's Children

The legion was distraught with the loss of their Primarch. But with his death came a new mission, the destruction of all Traitor Legions. Thus they became a darker version of their past, bringing the wrath of the legions upon any and all heretics.

Iron Warriors

After the heresy, the Iron Warriors, lead by their primarch, were the primary forces that pushed back the traitors all the way back into the Eye of Terror, all the while picking up any Loyalist stranded on the Traitor worlds. Eventually they would build the Iron Cages, a defense system around the Eye of Terror where they and the Iron Hands would stay vigilant against the forces of Chaos.

White Scars

Once the Traitor White Scars were routed from Terra, they began to raid other planets and Legions to try and get as many supplies as they could, since their homeworld had been conquered by the Death Guard. Eventually they would enter the Eye of Terror, and slowly would be transformed into a Chaos Undivided Warband, raiding the Imperium for resources and new recruits.

Those that had stayed Loyal were sent to join the Death Guard, bolstering the unyielding Legion's strength.

Space Wolves

After the failed Heresy and their Primarch dead, the Space Wolves would escape to the Eye of Terror, taking their Primarch's body with them. In the Eye, the Wolves would twist and turn, fully giving themselves to Chaos. They would take on the name of the Wolf Legion, and welcomed any to join their ranks and take part in their great Wolf Crusades, damaging the Imperium in some way whenever they escaped the Eye.

Those few that were Loyal would be directed to join the Nightlords, becoming a new form of Justice, intent on redeeming their damned Legion's name.

Imperial Fists

After their Primarch was greatly wounded by Perturabo, the Imperial Fists dragged their Primarch back to their flagship and escaped to the Eye of Terror. There, in an attempt to save their Primarch, they would turn themselves over to Nurgle. They would become the Plague Fists, and Rogal Dorn a Daemon Prince of Nurgle. They would spread across the Warp, and whenever they escaped the Eye, they would build massive Plague Hives, practically indestructible hives of Plague Fists and their followers.

The Loyal Imperial Fists were sent to the Iron Warriors or the Iron Hands, giving both Legions not only knowledge of the Imperial Fists' impressive defenses, but also help improve their new legions' great abilities.


The Nightlords became the Imperium's lead spy and sabotage force, the skilled assassins and spys of the Chapter lending aid to those that needed them. They were also the Judges of the Astartes, looking into the crimes of singular space marines to see if any action of Heresy was indeed true.

Blood Angels

As they still suffered the Red Thirst, the Blood Angels still struggled after the Heresy. Despite this, they became the "poster boys" of the Imperium, fighting in almost every great conflict. They came into possession of Ultrmar and its many great relics. Within they found Old Age technology that allowed them to satisfy their cravings for blood, and with it the Legion rose to new heights, protecting the weak and innocent with an even greater vengeance.

Iron Hands

The Iron Hands had lost their Primarch, and had become more bitter than ever. But thanks to the Emperor's Children, they were able to have an ally to help them through their trying times. Together they would defend the Imperium at any costs. The Iron Hands became close allies with the Iron Warriors and the Mechnicus. They soon began to fuse themselves with technology, believing it would strengthen their bond with each other and become a deadly force of fury and iron.

World Eaters

The World Eaters would stay on Terra while the Loyalists forced the Traitors into the Eye of Terror. While they stayed there, the World Eaters would begin to train with each other, vowing to never let such a siege happen ever again. They became guardians of Terra, and while they still had small fleets all over the Imperium, the primary forces would be guarding Terra, and there they would bolster their forces, becoming the largest Legion of them all.


Once a pride to the Imperium, the Ultramarines were forced into the Eye of Terror in shame, their Primarch missing his hands after his duel with Mortican. Within the Eye they devoted themselves to Tzeentch, becoming twisted monsters. Some would transform into withering masses of tentacles in failed rituals, guided by aspiring sorcerers. These masses of tentacles would come to be called Primaris Marines.

The Ultramarines that had stayed loyal went on to join the Blood Angels, discarding their blue armor for that of red.

Death Guard

The Unyielding Legion was the primary force to drive the Traitors all the way back to the Eye of Terror. They would join the Iron Warriors within the Iron Cages, and guard the Eye for any invading forces. While they guarded the Imperium, the Legion slowly undertook a change in their armor. Where there was once grim smog from their sensory orbs came a calm aurora. The Death Guard took to their name, guarding the civilians of the Imperium from unnecessary death.

Thousands Sons

As they still suffered the flesh change, even after the Heresy, the Thousand Sons slowly lost hope of ever being cured. But from the Blood Angels came a cure. Within the bowels of Ultramar came an ancient Psycher relic, and with it came the promise of curing the Thousand Sons from their curse. It came at a costs, with them having to sacrifice one thousand of their own to the relic. But readily did those thousand come forward, wanting their brothers free from the flesh change. Now they are a confident force, with the second largest legion in the Imperium, defending the innocent and teaching psychers how to use their powers and protect themselves from the Warp.

Sons of Horus

The Sons of Horus grew to despise their Primarch, as not only had he brought them to close damnation during the Heresy and FAILED during the Heresy, but they had been forced to wear the Butcher's Nails. Once they were forced to the Warp, the Sons of Horus became the Sons of Khorne, devoting their lives to the God of War and the Skull Throne. Horus became the Blood Champion, forcing those that denied his orders to become bloodied daemon dreadnaughts.

The few Loyal Sons of Horus went on to join the World Eaters, and even have the Nails removed.

Word Bearers

With their Primarch fallen, and their promise to the Chaos Gods failed, the Word Bearers scrambled what was left of them to the Eye of Terror, not even waiting for the rest of the Traitors to join them. There they began to devote themselves to Chaos Undivided. Four leaders would be made to represent each god, and the four companies that were left became representations of one of the lords of Chaos.

The very few Word Bearers that stayed loyal went to join the Thousand Sons, ashamed they had strayed from the one and only true path… that of Humanity.


After the Heresy, the Salamanders hurried back to Nocturne to make sure that none of their greatest weapons and secrets had fallen or would fall to the hands of the Traitors. While there they began to build up more and more weapons and armor, hiding them away across the galaxy in secure bunkers in case the Imperium would ever call for them. Within eight of these bunkers lay a weapon that had once belonged to one of the Traitor Primarchs. The Salamanders became the sole guardians of these once holy weapons.

Raven Guard

The Raven Guard had become a twisted thing during the Heresy, mimicking the canon Nightlords in many ways. After they failed and were forced back into the Eye of Terror, the Raven Guard followed their Primarch to Slaanesh, where they would devote themselves to the ever striving of perfection, becoming the Metal Ravens, twisted daemons and chaos marines of Shadows and Metal.

The Loyal Raven Guard went on to join the Nightlords, freeing themselves from the shadows of perfection and psychopaths.

Alpha Legion

The Alpha Legion was divided in half during the Heresy. Those of Alpharius relished being traitors, while those of Omegon were disgusted with what had become of their Legion. Those of Alpharius ran to the Eye of Terror after the fall of their Primarchs. There they were twisted by the dark forces that resided there, and became servants of the Chaos Gods, separating to join the various Chaos Warbands.

The Loyal Alpha Legionaries would go on to join the Nightlords or Salamanders, shedding their armor for the dark green and storm blue. No longer were they all Omegon or Alpharius.

The Alpha Legion was truly no more.



In the present, the Imperium is… thriving? Under the guidance of the Angel of Humanity, The Unyielding Defender, and the Gauntlet of Peace, the Imperium has stepped forward from the darkness and into the light for the first time in many many centuries. While they are still loyal to the Imperium first, there is not as much hatred towards xeno races like the Eldar and Tau. Though they still see themselves superior, it's not for a lack of respect and dignity. While an alliance is still non-existent, the Tau do not engage against the Imperium or Eldar, and the Eldar have given and gained assistance from both to deal with the Druhkai.

But everything they have gained is still under threat. The Orks have made more and more attempts to conquer important forge worlds, the Druhkai have been making large moves against both Imperium and Eldar forces, the Necrons have risen and are on a genocidal crusade, and the Tyranids are making their way through the galaxy, ever eager to absorb more biomass.

And Chaos… Chaos is rising. More and more warbands have appeared in real space, and the Wolf Crusades are becoming more and more of a threat.

The need for missing Primarchs' return has never been so dire.
