
Chapter 202

Chapter 167 Rescue Bi Xiao (Subscribe!)

A pure white illusory flame ignited on Li Yang, and the flames slowly swept out like ripples.

Waves after waves shone through the still space.

And that light seemed to be alive, all absorbed by the goddess Bixiao, covering her body with a white light film.

"This is!

"How come, such a strong initial fire power!"

Both of them and the dog looked at Li Yang in surprise, this guy's initial firepower was simply exaggerated.

The Kingdom of God has been in development for so many years, and the two goddesses have thoroughly studied Shenhuo, and they even know the power of the first fire which can only appear when the false is turned into the real.

Naturally understand how to operate.

The more you put in your faith when you ignite the sacred fire, the shorter the time to practice the fake and the more the first fire power you will get.

After burning for a full hour, Li Yang's faith stock almost bottomed out, and he extinguished the flame.

During this period, in the static position, Bi Xiao's injury was quickly recovering.

The power of the first fire has a recovery effect and allows the time in the static space of 797 to begin to flow.

The reason why Bi Xiao lay in it for so long was because time was still.

Chuhuo maintained Bi Xiao's life, and this gave the divine body time to recover.


With the resilience of a god king, one hour is enough.

Although I haven't awakened yet, it is no longer a problem to take it out from a standstill.

Yun Xiao and Bi Lei quickly used their supernatural powers, forcibly tore open the space, and moved Bi Xue out.

"There is no need for a static space now."

Yun Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes full of gratitude, they waited for this moment for a long time.

"Don't worry!"

But Li Yang said.


"Before you said that this place was caught by the Outer Realm God due to spatial variables, and you had to suppress it, right?"


"But they don't know the situation here. If we set up some (cded) gadgets here, we are fully prepared to completely open the cracks and completely seal the target in an instant after the completion of the goal, what do you think?"

Li Yang was not idle when he was burning Chuhuo, Chuhuo could sense a lot of things.

In the light of the fire, he could even snoop out the situation beyond the cracks in the space.

This "idea.... good!

Qiong Xue's eyes lit up.

"It's really good.

Yun Xiao also agrees, anyway, Bi Xiao has been rescued now, and it is not bad to use this place to dig a hole.

Of course, "I won't participate in this project. After all, I'm still a student.


Li Yang quickly stated that his strength was insufficient, and in the information he spied, there was also a god king-level deity sitting on the other side.

He didn't participate in things like this when he was young.

"Little devil, kind of cares!"

After rescuing Bi Xiao, both of them were in a good mood, and Yun Xiao began to laugh and curse.

"Then what? I'll go back first if there is nothing to do. I should be able to live in the second court."

Li Yang is now eager to get the world information promised by Zhou Cha, the orcs have not been fighting outside for a long time.


"It's okay if you go back first, we will notify you if something happens."

After finally getting Bi Xiao out of the still space, they also wanted to find a way to cure Bi Xiao as soon as possible.

Li Yang naturally didn't want to stay as a light bulb, so he chose to leave first.

Only Zhaocai came out to give gifts.


As soon as he went out, Zhao Cai held Li Yang's thigh and kept pointing his claws to his nose.

"You are really lucky."

Li Yang laughed and cursed, but still took out a low-level artifact, which was the stick-shaped artifact that Zhaocai had missed when he bit him.

"Wei Ming.

Zhaocai bit the artifact, and it also recognized it, it was the thing that almost broke his tooth.

Of course, Zhaocai's teeth are also good, biting two rows of teeth marks on the artifact.


With the reward, Zhao Cai held the artifact, watched Li Yang leave, and then called the artifact to his den.

I saw that the small den was full of armor and weapons, and of course they were not of high grade.

As soon as this low-level artifact was taken over, it became the most valuable thing almost instantly.

Li Yang walked into the mist and soon returned to the second court.

At this time, the battle below is not over yet.

And because of the seal, the situation has changed greatly.

After Li Yang returned to the second court, he plunged in, without going out to explain anything.

The matter of the three goddesses is very important, and he proposed the next plan.

After the heretical things, Li Yang also knew the undercurrents hidden in the calm of the world.

The ghost knows if any of the following people pretends to be an Outland God.

There are thousands of souls in the eyes of the blood dark swallowing beasts, and I am afraid that the gods of the outside world have been lurking in all walks of life in the sky of Gaia.

Moreover, most of the targets of heretics are young deities. With your heels, you can know that there must be young deities pretending to be foreign deities underneath.

Isn't it stupid to go down and explain, and he doesn't need to explain anything.

The existence of the sacred mountain is purely an accident, and it is a hidden danger. If it weren't for the low-level gods' perception law, it was suppressed by a seal, and it was a matter of Sanxiao, I am afraid it would not be open.

Under Li Yang's plan, let it play its final role.

After visiting the second court, Li Yang found a pavilion inside and sat down, browsed a pot of tea, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone: "Hey, Dean Zhou, I have come down from the first court, and I am now in the first court. Erting, come here at your convenience.