
  Chapter 10 Skull Offering Skull Seat

  Rorschach, with a stern face, drew back the giant saber.

  He shook the red and white mixture on the blade.

  The giant saber was restored to its original state.

  It was indeed a finely crafted Catachan weapon.

  Rorschach did not spend much effort.

  He easily ended Sergei's short life.

  Rorschach was not a bloodthirsty person.

  It was just that for the sake of a peaceful and tranquil life,

  having blood on his hands was a helpless act.

  Rorschach used the tip of his military boots to stir Sergei's body.

  The body was hidden in the other hand behind his back.

  The mobile phone with the recording function turned on was running quietly.

  Obviously, Mr. Sergei did not realize his mistake.

  Rorschach bent down and picked up the phone.

  He also took away all the items that could prove his identity and the remaining cash from the pocket of the body.

  Then, he carefully cleaned up the traces left at the scene.

  He turned around and left.

  Midnight had passed.

  The night sky, which was still bright in the first half of the night,

  was gradually covered by thick clouds and fog, and dark clouds covered the sky.

  The dampness in the air is getting thicker.

  It seems that a torrential rain is about to hit.

  On the bank of the tidal East River,

  facing the Brooklyn Bridge, Warehouse No. 10 is hidden among many buildings.

  If someone investigates on paper, they will find that the small warehouse in front of them

  is used by an inconspicuous Manhattan listed company as a place to store idle items.

  Under the layers of packaging, as long as you pay attention to the traces and dress of the people entering and leaving,

  even the police will become a usable force to guard the warehouse.

  Vladimir Vich

  quickly won the favor of the gang leader with this ingenious plan. He

  has completely become one of the famous leaders of the sportswear gang.

  However, in recent times,

  the rapid changes in the underground world

  have also put Vich in a desperate situation and lost his glory.

  Do criminals need order?

  To a certain extent, they do.

  The gang rules passed down by word of mouth can help most criminals escape legal sanctions.

  It can also prevent greater friction between conflicting gangs and cause economic losses.

  However, when the gang rules that can only be understood by heart are fully realized.

  And it became an insurmountable order.

  Vic suddenly discovered in surprise.

  His degree of freedom was not even as good as that of ordinary citizens in New York City.

  However, Vic had no way out.

  Above was the gang leader who was strategizing and acting cruelly.

  And the even more terrifying underground king.

  Below were the hungry gang members and the decreasing criminal profits year by year.

  In the steel jungle.

  Vic, as a middle-level leader of the sportswear gang, could only survive with difficulty...

  In the brightly lit warehouse, the wooden boxes around were almost piled up into a mountain.

  And in an open space surrounded by a pile of wooden boxes.

  Vic, with a serious expression, was sitting cross-legged on a table.

  He kept counting stacks of old cash banknotes.

  These were the criminal profits he was about to hand over.

  Even if one was missing, it would cause fierce accountability from the gang leader.

  Therefore, the dedicated Vic did not dare to neglect it and always went into battle personally.

  Because there were too many interests involved, in order to prevent anyone from being tempted.

  Vic did not bring any manpower.

  Only two confidants who were as close as brothers were responsible for the security of the warehouse.

  Buzz buzz buzz.

  At this moment, the phone in his shirt pocket vibrated.

  Vicky blinked his dry eyes a few times and took out his phone.


  Vicky twisted his neck and tried to relax. After taking a look at the message, he couldn't help but let out a strange laugh.

  "I really miss that crazy and innocent youth..."

  Vicky sighed.

  The message was sent by his cousin Sergei.

  There was no words in it.

  There was only a large-scale photo of Sergei and naked beauties celebrating enthusiastically.

  Vicky smiled and took back the phone.

  After anyone commits a crime for the first time.

  Hormones that have nowhere to vent will always flow to two things.

  Women and drugs.

  Until the means of crime are gradually proficient.

  The numb mood can no longer arouse any emotional fluctuations.

  One day, Sergei will also understand this feeling...


  In an instant, Vicky frowned.

  He subconsciously picked up a submachine gun thrown on the table.

  The surrounding environment and atmosphere are not right.

  Moreover, the warehouse is too quiet...

  What about the smoking and talking between the confidants, and the footsteps of patrolling back and forth?

  "Ivan? Nikolai?"

  Vicky called softly, listening at the same time.

  But when his shouts did not receive any response.


  Vic pulled the bolt expressionlessly.

  At the same time, he quickly flipped down the table and hid in the angle formed by several wooden boxes.

  At this moment, the lights on the top of the warehouse were warm and bright.

  But Vic's forehead gradually began to ooze out drops of cold sweat.

  Even the palm of his hand that was tightly holding the gun handle was covered with sweat.

  Vic had to wipe his palm repeatedly

  to prevent the gun from slipping and delaying important matters.

  There was a moment of silence.

  Vicky swallowed his saliva and shouted to the silent warehouse:

  "Friend! If Ivan and Nikolay are still alive, please spare their lives! Both of them are men who come out to make a living and have families to take care of..."

  "Do you need any help? If I can solve it, I will definitely not refuse! If you are not afraid of the gang's revenge, you can take the cash on the table... If you think it's too little, there are ten kilograms of drugs hidden in the black wooden box in the corner of the warehouse. The purity of the goods is not low, and it can be worth millions!"

  For a moment, there was no sound in the warehouse except for a faint echo.

  Vicky was sure that the other party was definitely not a policeman...

  If it was not a professional killer sent by the hostile gang.

  Then, it must be those mysterious "vigilantes"!


  Suddenly, a round object the size of a basketball was thrown out from the narrow warehouse aisle.

  After countless flips and rolls, it rolled to Vicky's feet.

  Just a subconscious glance.

  Vicky's face changed suddenly!

  He couldn't help but close his eyes and squeezed out a trace of grief from between his teeth.


  It was a human head.

  A bloody head with a familiar face.

  It was also a human head with both eyes pierced by thin iron nails!

  And at the tail of the iron nail that penetrated into the eye socket, there were actually several strips of toilet paper wrapped around it!

  At this moment, the blood-stained toilet paper was tightly pasted on the face of the human head.

  It was like a horror costume in Halloween.

  The absurdity was full of weirdness, and the fear was brewing in fear!

  Vic, who was breathing heavily, suddenly opened his blood-red eyes.

  He gritted his teeth and shouted loudly:

  "I swear in the name of God! The sportswear gang will always hunt you! And hunt your family! Kill everything you care about most! Even if your family only has a dog! We will find it, chop it up, and send it to you in person! Wait for death! Bastard!"

  Bang bang bang -

  Vic, who was furious, poked his gun out from the edge of the wooden box. He

  pulled the trigger hard and fired aimlessly and crazily!

  Hot shells burst on Vic's face from time to time.

  He couldn't help but dodge.

  However, every time when Vicky's eyes swept over the miserable head,

  the complex emotions of sadness and anger would once again make him lose his mind!


  The magazine of the submachine gun was empty and made a sound of hanging up.

  Vicky gasped violently, and his fingertips trembled as he touched his waist.

  He was going to change the bullets.

  Whoosh -

  but at this moment, an iron nail with toilet paper wrapped around the tail.

  Shot out silently from the gap between two wooden boxes not far away.

  It was inserted into the back of Vicky's hand with incredible precision!


  Vicky screamed, and the gun suddenly fell from his wet palm.

  Before Vicky could react.

  More iron nails flew out like bullets from a gun!

  They were actually nailed to Vicky's face!

  They pierced into the flesh and bones!

  (End of this chapter)