
Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

This is a translation- Original Author: Night Tales by a Dim Lamp In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. The Emperor walks among men, striving to restore the glory of the Imperium. Yet, the fate of humanity has long been toyed with by the malevolent Chaos Gods. In this tumultuous future, there is naught but endless darkness and warfare. That is, until the appearance of a Deathwatch Marine named Hades. As the threads of destiny intertwine, can this outsider change the tragic fate that awaits countless souls? The gods place their bets. Yet, Hades remains oblivious to all of this. At present, he's weeping like a snotling that's had its toe stepped on. "Emperor's mercy! Why am I in the Warhammer universe?!" "And why in Terra's name am I a Deathwatch Marine?!" "Is it too late to bash my head in and respawn?!" A comedic tale where a nerdy, unserious protagonist finds himself in the grimdark Warhammer world, oscillating between moments of sheer terror and bouts of uncontrollable sobbing.

Read_and_Chill · Book&Literature
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Chapter 127: Good News Returns, Bad News is Imminent

Half a month had passed.

Mortarion stared at the sky, his face clouded with unease.

Above the gloomy expanse of the Galaspian sky, the roar of warplanes grew increasingly louder.

They were the adjudicators, evaluating the aftermath of the Death Guards' first battle.

Mortarion impatiently tapped the scythe in his hand. Their timing was poor. The alchemist had informed him that Hades, who was in a pseudo-death state, would soon awaken.

Rewinding time by several days...

Mortarion had once watched with satisfaction as the Galaspian galaxy crumbled under the onslaught of the Death Guards. After their capture of the supreme ruler of the Galaspian hive, the remaining panicked and disoriented troops were easily harvested.

News of the ruler's beheading spread like wildfire. After that, they faced no resistance.

Mortarion was pleased to see the order so carefully maintained by the tyrant completely destroyed by the Death Guards, without a trace.

But his joy was short-lived.

An urgent stellar message from a distant star system arrived almost simultaneously with the transport fleet. Before Mortarion could even react, a small ship from the Mechanist Church was thrust upon him.

"We were tasked with transporting the Death Guard's technical sergeant, but when we found them, they were in bad shape. Sage Kirkland is deceased," a hurried Mechanist explained.

"We've had interactions with Sage Kirkland before, so we provided the necessary medical treatment without asking for anything in return. Here are the full recordings of our discovery and subsequent interactions."

A video, encrypted for security, was played.

The Mechanist took off quickly after delivering his message.

Inside the medical room, Mortarion sat silently, watching the alchemists at work. A cold drip flowed from an IV bag.

There had been a shortage of alchemists in the Death Guards, especially after the recent battle in Galaspian.

"It's a standard pseudo-death state, sir," the lead alchemist, Leo, reported, standing in front of a clearly irritated Mortarion.

Mortarion grunted in acknowledgment.

"Hades' second heart was pierced by a bladed weapon. He then forcibly injected stimulants, causing a second injury to his heart."

Mortarion remembered the report from Hades. It was supposed to be a "simple" research expedition.

The alchemist continued, "Additionally, Hades is in a state of moderate exhaustion, has extremely low blood sugar, and there's some internal bleeding in the right half of his brain."

Mortarion blinked slowly. The alchemist, sensing his impatience, hurried on.

"The good news is that after replenishing nutrients and following a certain awakening procedure, Hades can be revived from this pseudo-death state. But we need some time."

Grateful for the reassuring news, Mortarion allowed the alchemist to return to his work.

His gaze then shifted to Gold, Hades' mechanized assistant, who was trying to make himself inconspicuous in a corner of the room.

"You're Hades' assistant, right? Care to explain?"

Gold emitted a few sparks, clearly nervous.

"I hope you can clarify what exactly happened."

Gold felt as if his end was near.

Outside the medical room, the sound of Mortarion's heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor. The Death Shrouds silently followed.

Mortarion had been too occupied to spend time with his old friend, Carlass. Their last psychic incident had left some unresolved tension between them.

"How did it go?" Mortarion inquired, referring to the recent Galaspian campaign.

Carlass took a moment, his deep-set eyes reflecting his contemplation.

"We taught them a lesson and ended the tyrannical order of this civilization, just like we did on Barbarus."

Carlass finally smiled, "I'm glad the Death Guards played such a role in the Great Expedition. I believe that's what you wanted too, Mortarion."

Mortarion was comforted by his friend's words.

"Yes, it is," he replied softly.

Carlass then voiced his request, "You're always too busy, Deathlord. I want to help. Let me return to Barbarus."

Mortarion nodded, "Very well."

Carlass's direct request didn't require further approval. As everyone in the Death Guards was busy, the recruitment ship heading to Barbarus was already set to launch.