
Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can!

This is a translation- Original Author: Night Tales by a Dim Lamp In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. The Emperor walks among men, striving to restore the glory of the Imperium. Yet, the fate of humanity has long been toyed with by the malevolent Chaos Gods. In this tumultuous future, there is naught but endless darkness and warfare. That is, until the appearance of a Deathwatch Marine named Hades. As the threads of destiny intertwine, can this outsider change the tragic fate that awaits countless souls? The gods place their bets. Yet, Hades remains oblivious to all of this. At present, he's weeping like a snotling that's had its toe stepped on. "Emperor's mercy! Why am I in the Warhammer universe?!" "And why in Terra's name am I a Deathwatch Marine?!" "Is it too late to bash my head in and respawn?!" A comedic tale where a nerdy, unserious protagonist finds himself in the grimdark Warhammer world, oscillating between moments of sheer terror and bouts of uncontrollable sobbing.

Read_and_Chill · Book&Literature
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Chapter 112: As Long as Learning Doesn't Kill


The entity named "Hades" has utterly thrown the Tech-Priest base on Mars into chaos!



Hades, in a swift move, chokes Manning, who's already been in the dueling cage for the third time. With a firm grip, he strangles him. Manning, eyes rolling back, claws at Hades, trying to break free.

Unfortunately for the Wolf, Hades, like a mountain of flesh, pins him down, giving him no chance to escape.

When the Wolf finally gives up and ceases his struggle, Hades releases a sigh of relief and lets go of his grip.

The completely exhausted Wolf, Manning, lies motionless.

Hades, panting, stands up and glances at the audience below.

Below, the Tech-Priests, with expressions of mixed emotions, either sit or stand. What's common is that most of them bear signs of injuries.

The expressions on their faces are indescribable.

"Any more challengers?"

Hades wipes his sweat. He's famished. Back in the Death Guard, at least Apothecary Leor would give him a shot.

Silence reigns below, with no response.

So, Hades, feeling dizzy, heads straight to the cafeteria without giving it another thought.

However, what he doesn't know is the whispered conversations among the Tech-Priests after his departure.

A new Astartes warrior, looking at the recently beaten Wolf, cautiously asks, "Was Senior Hades always this strong?"

A few newly arrived Astartes exchange glances, silently moving Hades out of the "friendly and approachable" category.

Astartes Sevius slowly speaks, "Perhaps... he just didn't want to show off before."

Everyone remembered Hades as a kind Tech-Priest, a gentle soul.

But which Tech-Priest has ever had a Primarch visit them?!

Sevius had always categorized Hades as "capable," but his recent performance was beyond just "capable." Defeating the Wolf three times, plus three Iron Warriors, an Imperial Fist, four Warhounds, a Luna Wolf... Oh, and two Astartes.

Sevius still feels the pain from when Hades pinned him down. Honestly, being pinned down and rubbed against the ground isn't pleasant.

Especially when the opponent is heavy.

Sevius would never admit that he had waited for Hades to tire out before challenging him.

Clearly, everyone underestimated Hades.

He was holding back in the previous duels.

His incredible stamina is unparalleled. Fourteen consecutive battles!

Moreover, the others had weapons, while Hades was unarmed.

Initially, everyone thought Hades was just "playing dumb."

But when Hades disarmed the sixth challenger, things shifted.

By the time he toppled the tenth, they understood why the Death Guard Primarch sought Hades.

Even if Hades hadn't come to Mars, he could've easily become the champion of his legion.

Some Tech-Priests were already considering building a relationship with him, even though they were already on good terms.

Hades skillfully opened a concentrated nutrient pack, pouring the pungent liquid directly into his mouth.


He muttered, the bitter liquid settling in his stomach.

The Iron Hand across him, panting, shook his head. Hades blinked and let him leave the cage.

He then tossed the empty pack away, and a servitor picked it up.

This nutrient was supposed to be diluted or injected, but Hades developed a new way to consume it—

Drink it directly.

Hades didn't have the time or patience to dilute the nutrient pack. He was super busy.

Ever since his meeting with Mortarion and Makado, Hades realized he couldn't waste any more time.

He couldn't slack off anymore!

He had to return to his legion before the Galaspa campaign and plan his next steps.

Time waits for no one.

That's why he's been so relentless.

Hades began to study day and night. Even though he's in a state of enlightenment, the vast knowledge is still overwhelming.

When he's tired of studying, he'd randomly challenge someone to a duel.

The good news is, everyone was eager to beat him in the cage. But, without exception, they all ended up being pinned and beaten by Hades.

Some Astartes even suggested using specific weapons for sparring. Hades agreed.

Of course, that time, Hades simply swung the greatsword like a club.

Seeing the Astartes take the lead, Tech-Priests from other legions also proposed different duel rules.

Hades agreed to all.

But apart from sparring, they rarely saw Hades. He was always engrossed in his studies, using nutrient packs as meal replacements.

This was a stark contrast to his previous laid-back attitude.

Some Tech-Priests even gossiped about this change, but they all came to a consensus—

"If it was their own Primarch personally seeking them out, they'd be even crazier than Hades!"

Apart from studying and fighting, Hades also took the time to visit Sage Korklan a few times.

Korklan's lab was a sight to behold. Alien technologies were neatly categorized, human bodies twisted in cultivation tanks, and eerie glows illuminated the dark space.