
Chapter 1 : Getting Isekai'd

It was a beautiful and calm morning within a quiet suburban neighborhood just like any other, until a young man screamed in frustration at his monitor.


A gentle yawn could be heard in the background belonging to a beautiful young sleeping woman, who had long grown accustomed to her man child boyfriends short temperaments and could only groan in annoyance as she asked in a sleepy voice what was wrong with him this time?

"What is it sweetheart?".

"These fucking homunculi at Games Workshop have doubled the price of there minis and halved the amount again for this upcoming box set! Which retard is actually gonna buy this!?"

The young man's girlfriend couldn't help but sigh as she thought to herself that he would definitely buy that after he whined about it for a few more hours. Wanting to make the best of her already ruined morning she decided to poke fun at him.

"Ya know sweetheart if you spent half as much time and money on our life savings then you do with those toys we would already be driving Lamborghinis and living in a big fancy house by now".


The young man stayed silent as a wave of guilt and gloom suddenly hit him from being unable to retort her mocking words.

"Awe are you upset sweetheart? Ya know I think I know what could cheer you up".

It was a familiar mischievous tone that brought life back into the young man's eyes. The young man eagerly replied.


For obvious reasons due to the young mans recent plastic crack addiction and bad spending habits it had been a while since his girlfriend had warmed up to him.

"Hmm but first could you go and buy some whip cream I think we're all out".

The young man abruptly stood up from his desk without saying a word and cheered in his heart. This was her way of telling him she would do her signature whip cream blow job! The young man thought to himself as he rushed out of the house like a bat out of hell.

"Huh?"- *BOOM!

But as soon as the young man had left the front door he heard a loud crash followed by painful darkness. The young man had been run over by a truck that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. His final thoughts lingered on buying that whip cream as his consciousness faded...