
War, War Never Changes…

A great and ridiculously smart general gone to another world with op powers and intellect. What can go wrong?

Daoisthl7Bcn · War
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

After entering the wooden house, Isaac realized that is was completely furnished. It has all the spaces needed for household appliances, a decent-sized kitchen, 3 bathrooms, and all other minor details. A very good beachside house.

As he was exploring the house, the "elderly" man realized that it was partially inspired in his previous house. There was a space for a decent size library, and other things, like similar placement of furniture, etc.

The General walked through the modern corridors until he arrived at the bedroom. Although not physically tired, he wanted some peace, and, as such, lied on the wooden bed. Although without a cushion or any mattress, the bed was still very comfortable. As he found his was trough his thoughts, Isaac also started to drift from his consciousness, and ended up taking a nap. He woke a few hours later, and decided to go to the kitchen, there he found a range of tropical fruits, going from bananas to pears. He ate them with happiness. Although he knew how to cook in his previous life, after he was discharged, all food lost taste. In actuality, all his life lost meaning, color, happiness and joy after he was discharged. During his first half of life, he dedicated most of it to vengeance. He never had time to be infatuated, have any friends, any special person. The closest thing he ever had to a friend was GA John MacAstie, but even him got distant after the same was discharged from the military.

During the second half of his life, he did a bureaucratic and exhaustive job. He never was able to hold anyone, his family grew distant. He wasn't liked by other generals, and, although the men under his command respected him and followed every order of his, they weren't close to him. Hell, the closest person to him was his secretary. And that person only talked to him, at most, for 1 hour a day. His job was the only thing he ever truly had. When he got discharged, he didn't tried to correct his life. He only got it worse. He secluded himself, with nothing nor anything to make him company. He was a withering man waiting for death. If things lasted much more, he might have killed himself.

As Isaac was reviewing his life, Isaac got to a conclusion "I will do my best to correct my mistakes…" Sigh.

After that great introspection, Isaac went into the living room, and saw a very large map open atop the table. It was 2 by 1,6 meters, and was a detailed map of the Duchy of Swor, with great detail about geography, political boundaries, demographics and troop disposition. It also showed most of the population center with more than 100 individuals.

After locating the Forest at the north, Isaac started to develop the war plan, going from city to city, until the capital. He had everything planned.

After one week of seclusion, and great thinking, he developed a perfect plan to conquer the Swor. His plan was excellent, and, depending whether or not he could get his hands on a Diesel engine, his range of conquest varied from 3 days, to 2 weeks. Although the maximum was a rather small number, Swor was also small, and plain.

Just as he was finalizing the details, Josiah knocked on the sore and said "Sir, the first batch is ready."

"Ok, just give me a minute."

Shortly after, Isaac went out in the front and was stunned.

"Wait a minute. Wasn't the first batch supposed to be like 5 androids? I thought you were taking a long time because of the refining process. How many androids are here?"

"There are 81.920 androids."

Isaac's jaw fell to the ground "HOW!!!"

"Sir, we are created exponentially. It only take us that much time to replicate. We will hit the lithium deposit limit within 3 days."

Isaac just nodded, stupefied.

After regaining some clarity, he said "Great. I will try to relax a little for the next days, and I will try to make and economic and political plan for after the annexation of Swor."

"No problem, sir. I will inform you when the deposit runs dry."

"Excellent." With that said, Isaac started to turn when he remembered something and asked to Josiah "Josiah, how many mages are there in Swor?"

"There are 75 mages in Swor. 50 first ring, 24 second ring, and 1 third ring."

"Can they become a threat?"

" No, sir. The best defense they can get with magic is called 'Shield'. It is a third grade magic. However, a few bullets of a machine gun are more than enough to destroy the shield. Besides, it is very exhausting to maintain a shield."

"Great." With that said, Isaac returned to the house, and made a rough economic plan for his nation. It consisted of 3 phases: agricultural development, were the use of machines and modern techniques would modernize and expand the production; the industrial development, were industry would be operated in large scale with efficiency, and with androids and machines, resulting in low cost and large scale production. Lastly, the third phase, or exportation development would start, where pieces of manufacture would be sold across the world, bringing profit to the nation.

This plan would work side-by-side with his military development project, which the bulk was the expansion of his android army, the start of large scale weapons production, and the exportation of older weapons models.

This was the start of the conquest of Swor, and the beginning of Isaac's rise to power.

Hello. Sorry for not being able to release some chapters for some time. I had some family problems and wasn't able to write. Nevertheless less, I think that, at most in 2 weeks, I will be able to normalize chapter releases. I will do my best to deliver chapters as soon as possible to you all to enjoy.

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