
War, War Never Changes…

A great and ridiculously smart general gone to another world with op powers and intellect. What can go wrong?

Daoisthl7Bcn · War
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Solidifying Gains.

Somewhere, a girl, no more than 15, while holding someone's hand, was running in the night. She was running into a barbed wire fence, and as she was coming close, sounds of sirens started erupting, and men in black clothes or white lab coats started appearing. As they were closing in the direction of the fence, one of the men in black yelled at the others. "Töte Sie!!!"

Soon enough, a myriad of gunfire sounds erupted, and started lacerating the young girl's body. As one of the shots dug into her leg, she fell to the ground, and was unable to run anymore, as such, she let go of that someone's hand, and yelled.

"יצחק ,רוץ!"

As the men approached, the boy listened to the girls advice and ran in the direction of the accommodations of the place. The bullets swirled next to him, but, like the hand of god intervening, he wasn't hit. He was able to go back to his accommodation before he was caught. Before he was able to sleep, the last thing he heard was a single shot.

As the next day started, the boy tried to go to the place the girl was last night, only to find a blood puddle. It was the last time the boy saw the girl, the last time Isaac saw his dear cousin.


Isaac woke up in cold sweat. He was looking desperate, as if he was fearful for his life. It took him a few moments to calm himself.

After a few minutes, he was able to recollect himself. As he did so, he looked in the digital clock on his bedside table. It marked 2:46 in the morning. 2 days he went to Ker and conquered the region, and the scene of Frederick and his mother should have awakened some forgotten memories.

It had been a very long time since he last remembered the memories of the camp, and he would happily not do so. This nightmare made him unable to sleep again, and so he decided to get something to drink his sorrows away.

As he was strolling to his office, he passed through a flag. It was the new flag of the Kingdom of Judea. While before he just reutilized the flag of Swor, which was a dark red background with a very detailed silver bear, after annexing Ker Isaac decided to change the design. He went to a White background, with 2 black stripes in the top and bottom, but not being the top or bottom, and a black David's Star off center. The star was just the boundaries, with the boundaries being black.

It was like the fusion of the Prussian flag with the Israeli flag. Nevertheless, Isaac liked and kept it.

Soon after arriving at his office, Isaac poured a glass of drink called Serden, a typical drink of Swor, and the one that had the strongest alcohol content. It was very fruited, with an exaltation of red fruits. Of course, it was very weak, at most 5% alcohol.

With this in mind, about one week after taking control of Swor, Isaac ordered to start the production of strong alcoholic beverages, like still wines, sparkling wines, Portos, Whiskeys, beers, liquors, Kosher, Vodka, sake, soju, limoncello, etc. But it would still take a while before these products could go into the market.

Anyway, after downing a few shots of Serden, Isaac started creating a law that would guarantee that he and his descendants would be able to maintain themselves in powerful.

He would transfer all assets, like the breweries, weapons manufacturing, services, etc. to his private company: America Holdings Ltd. This included his military component.

This meant that, while nothing would change on the surface, if ever the nobility was able to become a threat by directly infiltrating the Judean armed forces, it was possible to guarantee the autonomy of the android army.

After finishing this piece of legislation, He worked in a few more, primarily related to civilian rights, like women's rights, universal masculine and feminine suffrage, and labor rights, and immigrant social integration. A specially important law was that of the emission of citizenship. It went as follows: if an immigrant lives in Judea for at least 5 years, paying taxes, they can apply to judean temporary citizenship, that allows to have the citizenship while still residing in the country. Of course, if someone moves after taking this type of citizenship, he would be stripped of it.

if that someone decided to go back to Judea, then the whole process would start from the beginning. The other type of citizenship is the permanent one. This one can be received if one has lived for at least 10 years, whilst paying taxes. This one can't be revoked.

After about 4 hours have passed, the door opened and Josiah entered through it.

"Good morning, sir"

"Good morning"

Josiah then gave a small glance at the piles of documents and asked. "These laws should be executed immediately?"

"Yes. All of them." Isaac answered, and then gave a sigh. He poured himself a glass of Serden again and said. "Josiah, I want you to do me a favor."

"Of course, sir."

"If I ever die before leaving an heir or someone suitable to succeed me, I want you to do a coup d'etat, and I want you to implement yourself as the monarch of Judea. And please, look for someone that can succeed me. Can you do this to me?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Excellent " Isaac flashed a small smile. "How is the situation in Ker doing?"

"The private armies are holding us back a little, but by tomorrow morning we should conquer the Duchy by tomorrow."

"I want Ker to be integrated through infrastructure as soon as possible. I want to solidify them as our territory. I want all reforms to be put into action as soon as the last noble surrenders."

"Yes, sir."

"Still in the military topic: Have you found a decent naval commander for the Navy?"

This was a problem that had really swollen up in the last war. Although he had a mechanized army, his biological armed forces didn't had any decent commanders yet. While he could take care of the Army, and could try grooming someone from the air force to take command the branch, the Navy was different. It was too different to be left to his own devices. Although Isaac had some knowledge of ships as a hobby, a decent knowledge of how the Navy trained, and a good foundation on naval tactics, it wasn't good enough to take control of the branch.

With this in mind, Isaac ordered for Josiah to take search for someone adequate.

"Sir, we have one option: Admiral Kirk."

"Wasn't he the ex-admiral of Ker?"

"Yes, sir. And he has an incredible record. He participated directly in 10 battles, and didn't lost one. The first battle he lost was the one he had with us. He was very commended for his bravery in front of the enemy, and his loyalty. He has only one problem: he has more than 70 years."

"I see" Isaac said. After a few moments of contemplation, he decided "Call a meeting with Kirk. Try putting it in 2 days."

"Yes, Sir. While on the topic of meetings, Sir, is everything ready for tomorrow?"

"If you are talking about the meeting with the Bishops, there is nothing to worry."

The Bishop of Swor and the Bishop of Ker called for a meeting yesterday. They clearly had it related to some of the legislation passed, that reduced some powers of the church. Of course, this wasn't even close to what Isaac really wanted: Complete State-Religion Separation.

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the delay on the chapter. I finished this chapter, originally, on Friday. However, I had a problem with my internet and I wasn't able to save the chapter then. I only realized it on Saturday, but I wasn't near my computer to be able to write it during Saturday or Sunday. So, I was only able to write again during Monday. I tried rewriting as close to the original as possible, but it wasn't very easy. That is way it took so long. Sorry everyone.

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