
War, Trickery, and Wisdom

The super short version: God of War -> Danmachi It’s cold, colder than usual. Midgard is plagued with the precursor to Ragnorok, the decimation of all nine realms: Fimbulwinter. Set off by the death of a certain Norse god, the lake of nine is beginning to freeze over, and blizzards are becoming a daily occurrence. Though a certain trio of gods has more pressing matters to concern themselves with. Kratos, the murderer of the previously mentioned Norse god and a god of a different pantheon himself, travels with his son, Atreus, another god that may just be a more important god than the rest, and Mimir, a Celtic Faerie a long way from home and blessed with more knowledge than he knows what to do with. The father and son duo have just completed their long journey to Jotunheim, the realm of the giants. After such a perilous journey across Midgard and almost every other realm, they find themselves missing home, at least the grumpy old father does. And so, they travel to their home, a small shack hidden away in the cold forest. All seems well, until a certain man shows up, interrupting their rest time before it even begins. A battle commences… A ferocious battle between two of the strongest men any pantheon has ever encountered… Who knew a battle could throw one into another dimension? Maybe we should ask a certain giant snake about that… Support me here: Patreon/austincage

Austin_Harrison · Video Games
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Mental Health

Waddup big dawgs. This is an aux chapter dedicated to mental health and treatment that anyone can take to better their mental. Even if you feel that you have no mental problems at all, I personally believe that mental health should be everyone's first priority. I used to think I was fine, and I usually was, but getting so depressed that you literally don't want to move isn't very healthy, is it?

The worst thing you can do is lie and tell yourself that you're fine when you are not fine. And just because you feel fine in the moment does not mean you are "okay", and that's okay. Mental health is a universal thing, and everyone deals with mental problems at some point. Even if you don't have clinical depression, the death of a loved one, a failure in your job, a breakup, these are all things that can cause catastrophic problems for anyone. But in times like these, you have to take a step back. Look at your situation and say, "Is this really as bad as it seems?"

Of course, I can't act like I'm some deity that has perfect mental health; as I've said before, I've dealt with mental problems all of my life, and I still do. The only difference now is that I am able to, like I said before, take a step back and look at the situation with a logical mind. I don't know how it is for you, but I get so caught up in the moment sometimes that I can't look to the future. And that's the most important thing in recovery; being able to look to the future and say, "this will pass," because it will.

Just like the saying, "Nothing good lasts forever," I believe that nothing bad lasts forever either, but the thing is, you have to want it to end. The most important thing in starting on your recovery journey is choosing to help yourself because no one can help you if you dont even want to be helped.

Anyway, that was a long tangent that probably will go unread. And that's okay, not everyone is interested in bettering their mental health. But... if you have read this far, then I want to thank you. Even reading this is already showing that you are doing better than a lot of people, and that's amazing. When it gets tough, just know that I'm rooting for you, through your entire journey.

But at the end of the day, I'm not a therapist, and I don't think I ever will be. Linked Below are a few links to youtube channels that helped me better my mental health. They didn't directly help me, but these people's words really taught me find my problems and learn to deal with them. Well, I'm already at 500 words and I don't want to exhaust you, so here you go:

Therapy in a nutshell


Jordan B Peterson


Cole Hastings


Love you, bye