
The Gold lands

the move to gold

All of the war kingdoms are moving to the gold lands to get away from the peace and love kingdoms, as Jassin and his blessing knights are out blessing the lands, he spots war leaving, Wing wood is going to the gold lands of Scot wood, Seldanna, and Theodas have got the castles, cities, monuments up, now they are relocating, after they clear the castle it turns to dust and blow away. brother and sister of Saw hold big the war armies is, Solana and Arun, they for on their horses and left the peace kingdom, after a half mile they are in old scotch wood, " welcome the golden war kingdom, everyone, said. Theodas, " like we say a bigger castle with plenty of rooms, a war city for your knights and family, and a retired city for our retired and family, said. Seldanna, " You work of war mother and father, said. lusha, " Excuse who is the queen and king/ asked, Solana, " you mean in the name of war queens and kings, we are what can we do for you? asked, tarron, " we like to join your army, said. Arun, "Are you from peace? asked, Theodora, " yes she is my friend, good to see you Solana, Theodemer, Sana, Tarron, Theodora, and Daffin, said. lusha, "Mother what does your supreme knowledge tell you both about this, asked, Sana, " more peace elves want to join the great Golden War kingdom, said. Seldanna, " Peace can come here, and you are going to be training newcomers as war knights our kings and queens, said, Theodas, " I like that in the name of war, said. Daffin, " then in the name of war welcome you into war, they ride into the castles and the knights and retired went their cities to set up their new home, Dain and Rorona closed and locked the gates and stand guard in war, and as Montwood, as left to, going to the Gold Mont wood, Aeson, and Symina set up a new castle, cities, and moment to, after they left their castle it has turn to dust and blows away, brothers of Love saw how big and massive the war armies is, Haldir Yellana and Jhaeros Yellana, they got on their horses and left the love kingdom, they arrived in the Golden Mont wood, "