
War On Man

join the discord server https://discord.gg/thw99wPTd9 It's the year 2025 and humanity is nearing its end. Suffering, death and chaos run rampant across the world. Humans, though immortal, die at an early age because of something people call The Cursed Age of Death. Talks of war have begun to surface once again and rogue Gods have been increasing in number. Contractors are dying at an alarming rate. A sense of uncertainty surrounds the worlds future. In the midst of this chaos an 800-year-old man named Michael Turnner finds out that 50 criminals are after something he possesses. At first, he isn't concerned but upon further inspection of the persons after him. He decides to use this opportunity to find out more about his daughter's death and who was responsible. As a result, he makes an agreement with a security agency to aid him as he hunts these criminals down one by one.

LanumKing · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Where’s Mitch Treabon

Noria and the other staff members stared at the big screen as the news played. "We have more distressing news coming out of Florida just three days after the appearance of the Insanity God." A female news reporter said as she sat in the news studio, "A passenger train with over 1000 passengers crashed just north of Lake Okeechobee. It caught fire at about 10:30 a.m. and ran off the railway onto a grass meadow surrounding it. 5 people were killed and 15 injured."

"At Least the death count isn't high. I'm glad a lot of people survived," a woman sitting at one of the desks said.

"Don't be so quick to believe the news." A man standing in the row behind her stated, "That number is only a fraction of the real death count, I'm sure of that."

"He's right; the information I received shows that almost everyone except a handful of passengers survived the accident."

"So, they're straight up lying?" the woman asked, staring at Noria.

Noria looked at her and said, "It's for your own good. People will go crazy if they see the real death count, and we don't want a situation like Insanity God happening again." Noria took another look at the big screen. The Chopper flying overhead focused on the number written on the train. Likely showing the burnt windows, then it zoomed out and looked elsewhere, but Noria said, "Wait a minute, stop the video."

The video stopped, and she continued, "Go back." So, the person operating the screen started reversing the video, and Noria said, "Stop." It stopped at the part where the camera focused on the train's number, which read 04052.

Noria squinted then said, "That's the train Turnner and the others went on."

"Are you sure?" Luther, who was standing next to her, asked.

"I'm positive, and we need to go there now." Noria orders as she walks down the aisle.


50 minutes earlier,

Turnner opened his eyes and stared into the sky. A smoke plume blocked his eyesight, but then he remembered he was on a train, so he sat up quickly and looked around him. There were burned bodies all over the grass meadow, and in front of him was the train. It was on its side, and fire raged from within it. Causing smoke to rise far into the sky.

Turnner looked on and said, "What the hell happened here."

Death, who had seen everything, spoke: "All of the railcars exploded about 30 minutes into your journey. You were instantly roasted and sent flying from the exploded train."

"How am I alive then?" Turnner asked, looking down at his body. The suit and pants he was wearing were burned and tattered.

"That's because of the undying ability that came with your contract. Even if all of your hearts are severed, your body will still regenerate back to normal."

Turnner rubbed his hand through his hair. "I forgot about that ability, and let me guess, my heart rots when I use it?"

"Yes, your heart rotted even more."

Turnner began to laugh, saying, "That damned Mitch. The one thing he didn't predict was me being on the same train he planned to conduct his next tragedy. This slip-up is going to cost him." Then that ecstatic expression on his face died down as he looked down at his clothing. "But first, I need some new clothing." After saying that, he teleported.


About two hours later

Turner sat in the back of a black van. It was driving through a wealthy neighbourhood. Inside, Turnner sat behind the driver's seat while six men sat on each side of the van. As the van struggled to get over a hill, Turnner pulled out his phone and made a call.

"Noria, It's Turnner I'm on my way to one of Mitch's right-hand men. It turns out that me being on the train was one of the biggest slip-ups he could have made. I'll see you soon."

Noria tried to reply, but Turnner declined the call, and the van stopped in front of a mansion. He and the other men in black suits got out and walked up to the gate. The mansion was surrounded by a white wall that was made higher by a burgundy metal fence on top. This made it twice the height of a human.

The gate was also burgundy and formed the word "Belfond Mansion '' at the center. Turnner walked up to the wall and spoke into a mic that was built into it. He spoke with an English accent.

"Good afternoon; it's Doctor Finley. I've come to conduct Mister Belfond's regular check-up."

A voice replied, "Oh, Doctor Finley, you may enter."

Then the gate opened, and they all entered the compound. After a short walk up a cobblestone path, Turnner and the others reached the mansion doors. Turnner motioned to one of the men to knock down the door, and that's what they did. When the maids who were ready to greet the doctor saw them.

They dropped the tea and biscuits they were holding and scampered in every direction. Some ran up the stairs and others down the hallway. However, one of the maids fell, and Turnner said, "Bring her.'' So, one of the men ran up to her, held her by the arm, and brought her to Turnner.

"Please don't hurt me." She murmured, fearful for her life.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you; however, I need you to tell me something. Do you know where Mr. Belfond is right now?"

"He's in the 6th room on the second floor; please don't tell him I said so."

Turnner doesn't reply; instead, he says, "Let's go." And the men followed him up the stairs. As they got closer to room 6, the sounds of a woman moaning could be heard, including whispers. That's when Turnner turned the lock and burst into the room, saying, "Mister Belfond, it's so great to see you on this fine morning."

The woman Belfond was apparently fucking screamed and pulled the sheet over her body. Belfond, who was also startled, got out of bed and pulled up his boxer, saying, "Who the fuck are you?" He shouted.

"Let's not behave irrationally, Belfond. I only came to ask a few questions, and when we're done, you can return to your." Turnner looked at the woman, "Entertainment."

Now in a calm mood, Belfond took notice of the men and saw that a few of them had pistols in their hands, so he replied, "Fine, let's talk down the stairs."

"Sounds good," Turnner replied as they exited the room.

Once downstairs, both of them took a seat in the living room, and Belfond asked, "What do you want?"

"Mitch," the man tensed after hearing that name, "A train exploded at about 10:30 this morning, killing almost everyone onboard and almost killing me. Now from what I understand, this is just another one of Mitch's Tragedies."

Before Turnner could continue, he interrupted, "Listen, I haven't seen Mitch since the Tragedy in Africa, and I don't know what he's planning, I swear."

"Then why were your company boxes placed in a specific location throughout the train? To act as bombs in disguise?"

"My company? I don't know what you're talking about; my boxes are given to the customers. I can't control what they do with them."

"Understandable, but can you explain this?" Turnner handed him a white piece of printing paper with information on it: "That paper shows you receiving 1 million dollars from an offshore account this morning. It was signed by Mitch himself."

The man started to get cold sweats as he stared at the paper, then Turnner continued, "Now I'm a man that likes straightforward answers when I ask a question, so I'm going to ask a question and I want a straightforward answer. Where's Mitch Treabon?"

The man looked up at him and said, "Look man, I worked with Mitch a few times this year, but..."

Turnner interrupted, "Belfond I love children, and I know you do too. So, I'm sure we can agree that bringing them into adult problems is just heartless. However, under certain circumstances, I find myself having to do that very thing."

Belfond didn't understand him clearly until he remembered his little girl and said, "Wait a minute, where's Lyla!"

"Relax, Belfond; she's right here." A girl walked down the stairs with a blindfold, and one of Turnner's men closely followed her. She walked over to them and stopped next to Turnner's chair.

Anger flared up in Belfond, and he moved to the edge of his seat and said, "If you touch a hair on her head!"

Turnner raised his voice: "Clearly you don't recognize that the level of authority you have in this house at this given moment is next to zero!" Belfond sat back in his seat and Turnner continued, "Now for the safety of this child, I'll ask again, where's Mitch."

He shivered. "Look, man, if I knew—"

Turnner got out of his seat and said, "Bring it." Immediately, one of the men walked up to him with a mental bottle. Turnner took some black gloves out of his pocket and put them on, then he took the bottle. It looked like a bottle that contained dishwashing liquid. "Do you know what this is, Belfond?" he asked.

Belfond shook his head, "I don't know." His voice was shaking.

"It's Hydrochloric acid. People use it for many things, but its most common use is for burning the skin. One Cap full of that to the face, and you're done."

"Please, she's my only daughter."

"You've had many daughters, Belfond, so to me, she's just another one, but if you care about her so much then you won't want to see her burn. So, I'll ask you one last time, "Where's Mitch Treabon?"

"Look, the last time I heard from him, he was at a hospital."

"Which hospital?" Turnner asked sternly as he uncorked the bottle.

Belfond swallowed his spit and said, "I... Beminton Hospital, Miami."

"I want an exact location," Turner replied, holding the bottle over the girl's head.

"Beminton Hospital, Peacock Avenue, Miami, please," he answered, shivering with his hands held out.

Turnner stopped and rested the bottle on the ground. "Is that his true location?" he asked.

"Yeah, I swear, but I had nothing to do with the train incident."

"I see. Well, let's go, guys, and bring the girl."

"Wait, give me Lyla; we had a deal!"

Turnner turns around and says, "Deal? I never agreed to anything. You will get the girl if I find Mitch at the hospital, and if it's a trap, you and the girl will die." Then Turnner exited the mansion and headed to the black van with the six men and the girl.

When they got in, he said, "We were going to the Beminton Hospital on Peacock Avenue." And the van drove off.

Alr guys there the new chapter. ik i upload really badly ill try my best to put something out tmrw.

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