
War of The Summoners

While doing the beta project of the world's first VRMMORPG, Vox ran into a problem and was trapped in another world. A world where summoners are the determiners of that world's destiny. Join him in his tales to become the apex of the summoners.

Vanitastum · Fantasy
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The World of The Summoners

How would you feel if you were chosen to take part in a beta project of a video game?

You must be very happy and excited right? Especially if the video game is a breakthrough in the world of video games.

The three biggest capitalist game companies in the world decided to create a video game in which the players will enter a virtual world that is no different from the real world. It's just that the virtual world has magic and various mythical creatures like a fantasy world from novels.

But there has been an accident in the video game beta project that left me trapped in an unknown world. I don't know if this world is a real world or just part of a computer program. All I know is that this world is very different from the world I have previously lived in.

Sitting between the rocks in a place that looks like an ancient altar. I moved my hand like I was slapping the wind.

Suddenly a virtual screen popped up showing my current stats.

[Name : Vox Bloodknight]

[Level : 1]

[Age : 17]

[Race : Human]

[Job : Summoner]

[Contracted Creature : None]

[HP Pool : 43 years left]

[Mana Pool : 100/100]

Of course the name on the stats is a fake name that I usually use as an identity in video games. Even though in reality my age is 25, considering my current body is an avatar that I created, the age listed is none other than the age of this avatar's body. Meanwhile the HP pool is more likely the limit of this body age. When I reach 60 years old, that is the end of my life here in a natural way. Surprisingly there was no other stats like strength, agility, etc. Beside the HP that is very different from normal game, the mana pool seems normal like other games.

I still vividly remember that when I logged into the game, an emergency notification popped up saying that an unknown error had occurred. Beside my stats, I'm also looking for a log out button but I can't find it at all.

What's happening right now makes me regret taking part in the video game beta project.

Thinking about what I must do to survive until I get more clues about this world. I remembered in item menu there was a magic scroll that would allow me to get S-rank monsters. With my identity as a summoner, I can make a contract with that monster.

When I took out the magic scroll, now I'm confused about how to use it because I don't know how to use it at all. There was no such thing as tutorial here.

"Maybe I should untie the tape that seals the scroll?" I thought.

Finished unrolling the magic scroll. I saw an alien writing on the scroll which I could read and understand as if I had been born learning the language. This feelings is very strange yet so wonderfull.

"With my soul as an oath, I summon creatures from other dimensions to make a contract with me!"

Immediately I felt that something was being sucked out of my body. Remembering that I use my soul as an oath, I felt panicked and immediately checked the status menu.

When I see the thing that being sucked out of my body is just my mana pool without any irregularities in the HP pool. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief and refocus myself on the ritual I'm currently doing.

The clouds covering the sky parted in a circle and a red light was seen piercing through the sky towards outer space.

For the first time in my life I saw the sky split open and reveal a view from another dimension. From another dimension a giant eye stared at me without blinking and released a red light right into my heart.

For a moment I felt something penetrate my body. When I thought that I was going to die, the pain like being electrocuted disappeared as the sky closed.

Cold sweat poured out of my skin and I felt extremely tired. Fell on a large rock, I immediately checked the status menu to see what creature I managed to form a contract with.

[Name : Vox Bloodknight]

[Level : 1]

[Age : 17]

[Race : Human]

[Job : Summoner]

[Contracted Creatures : Six-Winged Red Lightning Dragon]

[HP Pool : 43 years left]

[Mana Pool : 20/100]

Showing a satisfied smile. I checked in detail the stats of the Six-Winged Red Lightning Dragon I had just contracted.

[Name : Six-Winged Red Lightning Dragon]

[Race : Dragon]

[Rank : S]

[Rarity : Legendary]

[Contract Type : Soul Binding]

[Ability : Dragon Intimidation (Passive), Shock Claws (Active), Tail Swipe {Active), Lightning Breath (Active), Lightning Storm (Active)]

Dragon intimidation is a passive ability that makes other creatures feel intimidated. The influence based on differences in strength or bloodline.

Shock claws is the ability to claw the enemies with addition of an electric shock.

Tail Swipe is the ability to swipe the tail with powerfull strength and give damages for enemies.

Lightning breath is the ability to breathes lightning into the enemies.

Lightning Storm is the ultimate ability to create a massive lightning storm with its six wings.

With how overpower my first contracted creature, at least for now I feel safe. I can also feel if I don't summon it, the Six-Winged Red Lightning Dragon would be in its own dimension. Maybe I know this because I have made a contract with soul as an oath.

From the status menu of my contracted creature, I get more information about its ability more than just an explanation.

I can use its ability even though there is a limit. The duration and length of time the abilities I can use depend on my own level. For example right now my level is 1 with 100 points of mana pool. Right now I can only use its passive abilities and shock claws. My level isn't high enough to use its other abilities.

To use the shock claws requires 5 points from the mana pool each time I turn my hands into dragon claws. Each minute also requires an additional 5 points to keep my dragon hand functioning.

In optimal conditions at least I can only fight using my shock claws ability for 15 minutes for now at level 1. If I forcefully spend all the points in the mana pool, I have total of 19 minutes. Of course I won't do that because I don't know the risks that must I face if I ran out all the points in my mana pool.

My current point in mana pool is 20/100 and I'm starting to feel hungry. Remembering hunger is a survival instinct of a living being, now I believe this world is not a virtual world but another real world.

Welcome to my story. This is the first story i write in English. I hope you can enjoy the story.

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