
War of the Rule

A war raged 5000 years ago between the five kingdoms of the realm Litcoram and the dark kingdom of Selvoria. The war was fought over a power that would give one person rule over everything. The other kingdoms agreed that no one man should rule over anyone and banded together to seal the Selvorians and all Radiance behind a great barrier. The Radiance was kept from The Rule and was distributed between the five kingdoms to safeguard. 5000 years the world has lived without Radiance and it has all but faded into myth and legend. A young man of 15, living in a village that lies close to the great barrier seal discovers that he is developing strange powers and sets off on a journey to discover why Radiance is leaking into the world again and what it means.

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The Damn Book

Mycroft had waited for this moment. He told the Keeper's to find something productive to undertake and sat down. His Keeper's had been spending the last 600 years looking for this damn book. This was a recording of the gods' entrance and the great sealing of all the gods and the power.

These texts were identified as The Belcoram. Extraordinary counts of the rise and fall of the gods, but it also cautions us of an absolute power that has been hidden behind Senj Crown.

The old man shuffled some papers from his stone desk in the stone room he called his stone cell. Too long had he been here waiting for the return. Mycroft completely cleared his desk off and opened the book up.

It had been so long since he had looked at the book. Ancient memories of a time of greatness and gods rolled through his mind. Mycroft scanned the book's contents, stopping text regarding The War For Power.

This great power was identified as The Rule. One of the gods held back hidden desires from his brothers and sisters. His wish was to force all of this new mankind to be his subjects and force the others to wait for eons for the next world to grow fertile. The path would only open to a world that required faith to lead them.

Humankind is nothing without a purpose to guide them. Without faith or purpose, humans would never strive for more. The gods provide the means to be better through honor and the need for positive progress with guidance. Without gods, these humans cannot dream. One god wished to use The Rule to take their dreams and their free will.

When the gods arrived on Thendarion, humans had already begun to group in small tribes. They spread across the world on all the continents, and the gods marveled at the beauty of the land. There was more than enough room for all the gods to chose places to found kingdoms, but for one, it would never be enough.

They entered the unknown worlds in pairs. Each carried special items that linked them and granted them remarkable powers. The items fed off the god's Radiance, a power itself gave to the gods. Extraordinary capability, speed, and reaction, Radiance was a power bestowed by The One to the beings it chose.

These were beings that had died as honored and revered people. This reverence allowed them to be ushered into the peaceful realm for a chance to become more than they were in past lives. Not all humans are honored for the same reasons, yet The One did not pick from the sole view of honor. Honor shows itself in all places of humans, the knights and people of the courts see honor in a different light than the honor of thieves, yet The One insists that all honor is necessary.

Once the Gods arrived on Thendarion, one of the Gods, Senjoura, tried to hurl the other gods back into the Tranquil realm, the place they had just traveled from. Senjoura's plan was to force all the gods back into the rift that allowed them transportation, but a few gods could resist his force.

Regrettably, the gods had lost their pairs, but they had left them the objects with their Radiance infused inside. Senjoura's plan to seize unchallenged dominance over this world had failed. In the end, All but five other gods remained, and they promised their brothers and sisters that they would return them to their new home.

They would seek vengeance for this great betrayal, but the betraying Senjoura fled, and the others could not find him at first. Senjoura retreated to a great circle of mountains known as Senj Crown. He privately constructed an immense city proclaimed Maljir and twisted the local tribes into bloodthirsty creatures known as the Selvorians.

Senjoura, tall, and mighty, customarily wore blood-red plate armor with massive pauldrons and a black and gold cape that wavered perpetually no matter if the wind blew. He was the god that wished to have all power for himself and rule with no opposition. To this end, he began to share his divine gift with his people's mystics, and Radiance started to bleed into the world.

After 300 years of cultivating his land's people in the ways of Radiance and proper fortifications, Senjoura began working. He wanted to create a power to bind the will of all with a single rule.

During this time, the other gods had set up kingdoms after discovering him settled and protected. With the knowledge of what Senjoura was trying to accomplish, five domains were created to represent five containment points around Senj Crown. These kingdoms widened and flourish, but always keeping an eye on the crown.

As time passed, Radiance from the gods slowly infused into the peoples. They became able to perform extraordinary feats with these creative powers. Radiance enhanced a way of life for each kingdom, each specializing in certain types of Radiance.

After 400 years had passed, Senjoura was no closer to developing The Rule to place all under his control. He lacked enough Radiance to be able to produce enough power to bind The Rule into an object. In casting out the other gods, there was only one other way to create The Rule.

He needed to steal items that contained the Radiance from the other gods. With this irrational determination to destroy his brothers and sisters to steal their Radiance, he began to waged war upon them all. His people had expanded their numbers by breeding non-stop since they started following Senjoura and the armies poured out of the Senj Crown in uncountable numbers. They used Radiance to Create golems to attack the city walls, and the Selvorians would swarm in to demolish everything in sight to persecute the gods.

The gods did not sit back, ideally letting Senjoura murder their people. They embarked on a war that ultimately ended with the five gods and their armies forcing Senjoura and his followers back inside the mountain range of Senj Crown. Once the army had been pushed back inside, the five gods gathered all Radiance and use everything they possessed to produce a barrier seal.

They poured everything they possessed to make sure the barrier would maintain, but they knew it wouldn't last forever. Each god left an Item with his followers infused with the Radiance of that god. A prophecy of a group that would unite the five kingdoms when the barrier ultimately fell.

After the gods sealed the barrier, they had used all their Radiance and that of the peoples. They were forced to retreat in between the tranquil realm, unable to join their partners. The gods could no longer influence the world or its people, and all Radiance was stored in the barrier and the five objects of power. Only after the barrier has fallen and the final seal has broken will the gods be able to direct us once more.

The five kingdoms went on without their gods to assist them. Living in a world without Radiance for over 5,000 years. Presently the barrier is starting to leak Radiance back into the world, and the seals are weakening.

The time of The Chosen has come.

They will unite the five kingdoms to seize up the significant objects of power. It is up to them to stop Senjoura and his army of Selvovians from gaining enough Radiance to envoke "The Rule."