
War of the realms : A gamer's Tale

When gamer Alex discovers that the soldier he's been controlling in a virtual game is actually a real soldier in a real war, he's thrown into a dangerous and deadly battle for survival. With the help of a band of soldiers, Alex must navigate a world he never thought possible, fighting for his life and trying to uncover the truth behind this twisted game. Will he make it out alive, or will he become just another casualty of war?

Loveish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. His own teammate had betrayed them and was working with the enemy. He felt a mix of anger, frustration, and sadness. How could someone they had trusted turn against them?

The team had been on a mission to gather intel on the enemy's base. They had split up into two groups to cover more ground. Alex and his partner had just returned to the rendezvous point when they saw the other team's partner running towards them. He was panting heavily, and his clothes were torn.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"It's a trap," the teammate gasped. "They knew we were coming. They ambushed us."

Alex's heart sank. They had walked right into a trap. He turned to his partner, and they exchanged worried looks.

"What do we do now?" Alex asked.

"We have to warn the others," his partner replied.

They quickly made their way back to the base, where they found chaos. The rest of their team had been captured, and the enemy was interrogating them for information. Alex and his partner knew they had to act fast to save their teammates.

They formulated a plan to sneak into the enemy's base and rescue their teammates. They knew it was risky, but it was their only chance. As they made their way towards the base, they could feel their adrenaline pumping.

As they approached the base, Alex's partner signaled for him to wait. He had spotted a guard patrolling the area. They waited for the guard to pass before making their move. They quickly took out the guard and made their way inside.

The inside of the base was dark and eerie. They could hear the sound of their own footsteps echoing off the walls. They cautiously made their way through the corridors, trying to avoid detection.

As they rounded a corner, they saw their teammates in a cell. They rushed towards them, but just as they were about to unlock the door, they heard footsteps approaching. They quickly hid behind a nearby crate.

Alex peered through a small gap and saw the traitorous teammate talking with the enemy. They were discussing their next move, and it was clear that the teammate was giving away valuable information. Alex's blood boiled with anger.

He turned to his partner and whispered, "We have to take him out."

They devised a plan to sneak up on the traitorous teammate and take him out silently. Alex's heart was racing as they crept towards him.

Just as they were about to strike, the teammate turned around and spotted them. He quickly pulled out his weapon and pointed it at them.

"You're too late," he said with a smirk. "They already know you're here."

Alex's heart sank once again. They had been betrayed, and now they were surrounded.

The enemy soldiers closed in on them, and Alex and his partner fought back with all their might. But they were outnumbered and outgunned. Just as they thought all was lost, they heard a loud explosion.

The ground shook beneath their feet, and they could see the walls of the base crumbling. They quickly realized that their own team had launched a surprise attack on the enemy's base.

Amidst the chaos, Alex and his partner managed to escape with their teammates. They were battered and bruised, but they were alive.

As they regrouped with their team, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal. How could someone he had trusted turn against them? He knew that this was only the beginning of the war, and that there were many more battles to come.

But he also knew that they had to stay united and fight for what was right. They couldn't let one traitorous teammate bring them down.

The team gathered around to discuss their next.

The mission they were embarking on was a critical one, and the fate of their world hung in the balance.

As they approached the enemy camp, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. He had faced countless dangers in the virtual world of the game, but this was different. This was real, and the stakes were higher than ever.

"Okay, team," Captain Johnson whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rustling leaves. "We need to move quickly and quietly. Remember, our objective is to take out the enemy commander and retrieve any intel we can find."

The team nodded in agreement, their eyes fixed on the enemy encampment. They split up, each member taking a different route to approach the camp from multiple angles.

As Alex moved closer to his target, he could see the enemy soldiers patrolling the area, their weapons at the ready. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, and prepared to make his move.

But just as he was about to strike, a sudden movement in the bushes caught his attention. He turned to look, only to see a group of enemy soldiers charging towards him.

Alex quickly raised his weapon and fired, taking down one soldier after another. But they kept coming, and soon he found himself surrounded.

"Alex, we need backup!" Captain Johnson's voice echoed in his earpiece.

Alex tried to fight his way out, but he was vastly outnumbered. He knew he needed to retreat and regroup with his team.

He sprinted towards the rendezvous point, dodging enemy fire as he went. Just as he was about to reach safety, a bullet grazed his arm, and he stumbled to the ground.

He could hear the enemy soldiers closing in on him, their boots pounding the ground. Alex tried to crawl away, but his vision was fading, and his strength was failing him.

Just as he thought it was all over, a hand reached out and pulled him to safety. It was Captain Johnson, who had risked his own life to save Alex.

"Thanks, Captain," Alex gasped, still catching his breath.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Captain Johnson replied, his voice grim. "We need to fall back and come up with a new plan of attack."

Alex nodded, knowing that the mission wasn't over yet. They regrouped with the rest of the team, and together they retreated into the cover of the forest.

As they made their way back to their base, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had a sense that they were being watched.

"Did anyone else feel that?" he asked the group.

They all looked at him, puzzled. "Feel what?" one of them asked.

"I don't know," Alex replied, shaking his head. "It's probably nothing."

But deep down, he knew that it was anything but nothing. There was a new player in the game, and they were playing to win.

The team arrived back at their base, exhausted and battle-worn. They had achieved their objective but at a great cost. Alex couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for them in this war of the realms.

As he lay down to rest, his mind was racing with questions. Who was the new player? What was their objective? And most importantly, could they be stopped?

The future of the game, and perhaps even the fate of the real world, hung in the balance. And Alex knew that he had to be ready for whatever came next.