
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 Mental Battle

Delos: Makiru why did the king send you here?

Makiru: The king has told me to come here and assist you Sir Delos

Delos: (Sigh) Alright, make sure to keep up

Makiru: yes sir

Delos: Let's move out

(in Makiru's head he is being held up by shadow figures making it so he can't move)

Makiru: LET ME OUT OF HERE!!! what is this this place, last thing I remember was passing out near the king

(Hearing footsteps Makiru hears a voice)

Dark Makiru: this is in your mind

Makiru: wha...who are you?

Dark Makiru: who am I? can't you tell I'm you or the new you, I have control over your body right now oh yeah I have fought with your buddy Josefu he is some real work.

Makiru: what!? what did you do! let me go!!

Dark Makiru: Sorry but you can only watch as I destroy and kill everything and one you hold dear bawahahahaha

Makiru: why can't I move!?

Dark Makiru: I have control over you, Makiru your mind is locked or I should say sealed.

Makiru: sealed!?

Dark Makiru: look up their

(Makiru looks up and he can see in the distance an image)

Makiru: what is this?

Dark Makiru: I did this so you can watch what happens, I'll leave you here while I go have fun

Makiru: what no don't leave me here

(Dark Makiru disappears leaving Makiru in the darkness making him watch someone control his body)

(Back to Josefu)

Josefu: mhmm what?

(Josefu looks around sees that he is back at the Rebellion army Lucy comes walking in)

Lucy: you been unconscious for a few hours

Josefu: dang (in his head) Diablo your there?

Diablo: ...

Lucy: oh yeah your sword is damaged too

(Lucy hands Josefu Diablo)

Josefu: damn this is going take me sometime to repair, I have to use my energy to restore it

Lucy: okay I'll report to Lauren about that ambush on the mission

Josefu: fine I'll be here restoring my sword while you go do that.

(Lucy leaves Josefu and head to Lauren)

Josefu: okay let's begin restoring Diablo

(Josefu starts gathering energy into the sword)

(To Lucy)

Lucy: Sir I'm back to report

(Lucy Knocks on the door)

Lauren: come in

Lucy: sir I have something to tell you

Lauren: I already know, we have a traitor among us I need to find whoever it is fast and kill them. the traitor will no be let of easy

Lucy: it was an ambush the kings son appeared Cabal Doukas

Lauren: his son? I didn't think he would return so fast and the king sent him out too, how did it go?

Lucy: the whole unit got wiped out, Josefu and I had to hold off Cabal but it was still pretty hard

Lauren: you and Josefu he was a C rank right?

Lucy: yes but I don't know he was a S right for a short period of time I think it was a forced rank increase

Lauren: mhmm from C to S rank that boy has some potential

Lucy: yes but only after he transformed

Lauren: I'll hold a small meeting later and will call for you then

Lucy: yes sir

(Lucy leave Lauren office)

(2 hours later back to Josefu, he is still gathering energy resorting Diablo)

Josefu: ok this should be enough....Diablo you there

(After a minute of silence Diablo respond)

Diablo: mhmm what?

Josefu: (sighing) finally I been fusing energy for the pass 2 hours, you was damaged from the backlash also

Diablo: sorry all my energy was drained from that transformation, that's ks you saved me

Josefu: haha no problem we stick together remember

Diablo: ha yep we are

Josefu: That Cabal guy was strong each and every hit was hard to hold off and he is the kings son

Diablo: yes that transformation barely put us on the same level with him

Josefu: well I will have to fight them eventually

(To Delos and Makiru fighting against a Rebellion army unit)

Delos: Makiru go and kill them the unit will back you

Makiru: Yes sir

RA soldier: ATTACK!!!

(The Rebellion soldiers run towards Makiru and the Kings unit and begin fighting)

Makiru: Hot Hands!!

(Makiru covers his hands in a blue flame and start fighting hitting Rebel soldiers. Each hit that lands make the soldier catch fire)

RA soldiers: Ahhhhhhh!!

RA soldier: watch out don't let him hit you, the fire will get on you!!

(Rebellion soldier retreat as some die trying to escape)

Delos: good job Makiru your not half bad, let's head back

Makiru: okay

(back to Josefu)

Diablo: Josefu now we should continue your next stage of your training

Josefu: next stage?

Diablo: yes the first stage is getting accustomed to my powers and slowly making them yours while training technique's. the second stage is refining your physical body merging it with my spiritual form.

Josefu: that sounds like it's going to be painful

Diablo: we will do that as you get stronger when you are A rank we can begin it, but for now just keep doing what have been doing

(Knocking on the door)

Josefu: come in

Lucy: I have talked to Lauren about the mission, he said he will handle it but we got a another mission

Josefu: damn already

Lucy: yep you got to get use to this pace the target is Jin Bloodford, his is one of the supplier for the king supplying him with magic items

Josefu: where are we heading?

Lucy: He should be in Clarkston town, here some clothes it's to lay low get change and come out

Josefu: okay

( After a few moments Josefu walks out)

Lucy: it should take us a few days to get there Let's move out

Josefu: alright

(Josefu and Lucy set off to Clarkston town in a different place in the middle of the mountain range suddenly a dark beam of light strike down and a mysterious man is in a crater in the ground)

Axzeal: (grunting) am I in the Lower Realm, I was able to escape I need to lay low

(To Lauren)

Lauren: what was that energy wave I felt just now it's was definitely high S rank, that can't be the king he isn't that strong. I don't feel any killer intent along with this energy so I'll let it be for now.

Eva: what are we going to do sir?

Lauren: nothing doing nothing is the best course of action

Eva: okay

(To Josefu and Lucy)

Josefu: Lucy I been meaning to ask what type of technique do you use I never seen you use a sword before

Lucy: I use a hand to hand fighting style along with body hardening technique that's really it

Josefu: wow that must be a strong style

Lucy: I can teach you body hardening to help you out a little bit

Josefu: is it hard to learn?

Lucy: no you should be able to learn it but let's wait till we find a spot to rest

(Later at night by a campfire Lucy explain to Josefu how the Hardening technique works)

Lucy: let me show how to use Demonic Hardening, first you channel energy into your muscles then condense it focus on the area u want to hardened. make sure not to let your energy out of your body when doing this or it won't work.

Josefu: okay that sound harder than it seems

Lucy: go ahead and give it a try

Josefu: I'll try my left arm first

(Josefu starts channeling his energy slowly in his arm then condense the energy in his forearm. As he does he struggles to maintain the energy flow and stops)

Josefu: (Breathing hard) how can you do that with such ease, I was barely able to hold it for long

Lucy: once you channeling your energy it will be like breathing, just keep practicing it

Josefu: okay I going to continue for a bit

Lucy: alright I got to get some rest

(Josefu practice info a little while longer than head to sleep)

(the next day early in the morning)

Lucy: Josefu get up it's time to get on the move

Josefu: (Grunting and yawning) alright let me use the restroom real quick

Lucy l: okay hurry up

(Josefu goes behind a tree)

(to Delos and Makiru in the capital in the throne room)

Delos: my king we have returned

King: good I just just received a message from of our suppliers that his location has been leaked and need guards. I will be sending you tow back out, the location of the supplier is in Clarkston town

Delos: as you wish sire

(Delos leave the throne room)

Delos: Makiru we are moving out again

Makiru: I'm ready whenever you are sir

Delos: we have to hurry we have to guard an supporter of the king that sends supplies. he is currently in Clarkston we have to go now enemy are also on the way there

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