

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"how dare you interfere?" Ollie said, pointing her wand to Haven

"I will now asked for a payment of what you did to my parents you old coot!" Haven

exclaimed, fairy Ollie is puzzled with his words, the Queen also was curious

Fairy Ollie froze in shock as the High Noble Haven approached her, his eyes cold and

unwavering. "You murdered my family," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And for that,

you will pay."

Fairy Ollie tried to protest, but the High Noble raised his hand and cast a powerful spell. A

bright light engulfed the area, and when it cleared, Fairy Ollie lay on the ground, her body

battered and broken.

The High Noble turned to the Queen, who looked at him with a mixture of shock and awe. "You

are the son of Red Velvet and the Golden Armor," she said in disbelief. "I thought they were

just legends. "The High Noble nodded. "They were real, and they were my parents. And now, I will use their

power to help you defeat the Central Plains once and for all."

The Queen nodded, feeling a surge of hope and determination. With the High Noble by her

side, she felt that anything was possible. Together, they would end this war and restore peace

to the land.

The battle began anew as Fairy Michael appeared, determined to protect Fairy Ollie at all

costs. The Queen and the High Noble stood their ground, ready to face their opponents with

all their might.

Fairy Ollie conjured a powerful beam of light that shot towards the High Noble, but he quickly

countered it with a wave of his hand, deflecting the attack with a powerful shield spell. The

Queen summoned a barrage of lightning bolts that rained down on Fairy Michael, forcing him

to dodge and weave to avoid the deadly strikes.

The High Noble charged towards Fairy Ollie, his sword glowing with a bright golden light. She

matched his charge with a powerful blast of wind, sending him flying back towards the Queen.

But the High Noble quickly recovered and launched himself back into the fray, determined to

take down his family's murderer once and for all.

Meanwhile, the Queen continued her onslaught of lightning bolts, striking Fairy Michael with a

direct hit that sent him crashing to the ground. But he quickly got back up, his eyes blazing

with fury as he launched a counterattack.

Fairy Ollie and the High Noble clashed in a fierce swordfight, their weapons clashing and

sparking as they traded blows. The Queen joined in the fight, her magic adding to the chaos as

she launched spells left and right.

The High Noble unsheathed his sword and charged at Fairy Ollie with a fierce determination.

His movements were swift and precise, striking at Fairy Ollie with every opportunity he got.

The Queen, on the other hand, chanted a spell and shot a bolt of lightning towards Fairy

Michael. The fairy quickly countered it with a shield spell, but it was clear that the Queen's

magic was powerful. Fairy Ollie and Fairy Michael retaliated with their own spells, creating a shower of sparks and

bursts of energy that illuminated the battlefield. The High Noble used his sword to deflect the

spells, his armor glinting in the light. The Queen continued to chant, her eyes never leaving

Fairy Michael as she searched for a weakness to exploit.

Fairy Michael flew towards the Queen, his hands crackling with energy. The Queen readied

herself for his attack, but the High Noble stepped in front of her, blocking the fairy's path with

his sword. The two clashed, their swords ringing in the air as they parried and struck with

lightning-fast movements.

Meanwhile, Fairy Ollie and the Queen engaged in a magical duel, trading spells and

incantations with equal skill. The air crackled with energy as their spells collided, sending

shockwaves throughout the battlefield. The High Noble was keeping Fairy Michael at bay, but

the fairy was proving to be a formidable opponent.

As the battle raged on, the Queen and the High Noble started to gain the upper hand. Their

combined strength was too much for Fairy Ollie and Fairy Michael, and the two fairies started

to tire under the onslaught of spells and sword strikes. The High Noble, fueled by his thirst for

revenge, pressed his attack, striking at Fairy Ollie with renewed vigor.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, Fairy Ollie and Fairy Michael launched a desperate attack.

But it was too late. The Queen and the High Noble were ready, and they countered with a

powerful spell that knocked the fairies off their feet.

The battlefield fell silent as the dust settled. The Queen and the High Noble emerged

victorious, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits high. They had defeated their

enemies and secured their kingdom's future.

"ho--w?" Fairy Ollie uttered, Michael is on the other side who lost his consciousness

"I WONT ACCEPT IT!!" fairy Ollie exclaimed and started to release a dark energy but before

she could finish absorbing all mana around her a bunch of fairies appeared as they restrained her

"Your Majesty that is enough!" A fairy with golden armor said and lock Fairy Ollie's mana



OF THE TRAITOR!! NOW HEED MY COMMAND!!" -Fairy Ollie exclaimed

As the battle between the two sides raged on, Elder Fairy Amy suddenly appeared on the

battlefield. She carried with her the Ancient Tree, which was glowing with a bright light.

She addressed the combatants, "Stop this fighting at once! The Ancient Tree has the power to

reveal the truth, and it will be the one to judge who is right and who is wrong in this conflict."

each forces paused their attack as the Elder Fairy words echoed. They all turned to face

Elder Fairy Amy and the Ancient Tree.

Elder Fairy Amy approached the Queen and the High Noble and asked them to state their

case. The Queen explained that her kingdom was attacked by the Central Plains.

The High Noble added, "And Fairy Ollie was the one who killed my family. I have every right to

seek justice and avenge their deaths."

Fairy Ollie on the other hand, argued that the Central Plains were merely defending

themselves from the aggression of the other kingdoms. They also accused the High Noble of

being a traitor who had betrayed his own people.

Elder Fairy Amy listened to both sides carefully, and then turned to the Ancient Tree. She

whispered something to it, and the tree glowed brighter.

Suddenly, a vision appeared before them. It showed the Central Plains scheming with a group

of dark mages to launch a surprise attack on the other kingdoms. The Central Plains had also

been responsible for the assassination of the High Noble's family.

Fairy Ollie were shocked at the revelation

the Queen look at the back and it was Lady bug, it answered the Question as to how come the

Ancient tree that was in their position in in the hands of the Elder Fairy

"You have keep the Ancient Tree and cut the communication between our Land and the

Heavenly Principle, that cause all of this!!" Elder Fairy uttered

"Only with the Ancient Tree's power we can ask the Aid of the Heavenly Principle, but since you hide it and lied to us, the Heavenly Principle was not able to bring forth justice!" She


Elder Fairy then cast a spell and it flew up to the sky and create a Huge portal