
War of Divinities

Heaven is at war!... and the Gods are losing. In a desperate bid to fend off the demons hordes, the Gods, in their infinite wisdom have deemed it necessary to conscript mortals to fight. Joe, a 23 year old fresh college graduate had barely finished his shift at the local gas station when the Heavens arrived to conscript him and millions of others to the Empyrean Tower. A place where conscripts are sent to hone their skills in preparations for the darker horrors that await them. Brought to the Halls of Beginnings with only a towel to protect his dignity, Joe must get strong enough to climb the tower or die trying.

DaoistBCiirJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 7 - Leveling Up

Adam stood tall with his back straight, surveying the battlefield with his halberd in his hand, towering high into the sky. Even after killing 20 Goblins, it still shined to utmost perfection. Its edge looked like it could cut sunlight as it glistened in the midday sun. He had hesitated when selecting this particular weapon from the shop. He had found it under the Silver-tier artifacts, but it cost as much as a gold-tier one. However, the weapon more than met his expectations.

The unique name had attracted him. The name [Bloodsoaker] was different from the generic weapon names like [Basic Longsword] or [Steel Tipped Spear]. The fact that the weapon turned out to be a halberd hadn't even been the biggest shock. No…it was the fact that it turned out to be a spirit tool. An evolution-type weapon that connected with its user through a spiritual bond. He only realized this when he touched the edge, causing a drop of his blood to fall on the blade. The bond that formed helped him intrinsically understand the weapon and its abilities. He couldn't help but laugh with delight once he discovered what it could do.

The first was the ability to infuse spiritual energy into the weapon, giving the blade an almost unstoppable cutting edge and allowing him to cut down enemies like grass. However, this seemed to be a standard feature with most silver-tiered weapons.

The real potential of [Bloodsoaker] lay in its second ability. The power to absorb the blood of its victim to become stronger! With each death, it would become sharper and more durable while handling more spiritual energy. It would eventually become sharp enough to cleave tanks in half with ease. Who would have imagined weapons were capable of such incredible feats.

Guns and bullets may no longer exist in this world, but Adam didn't mourn the loss. He saw the potential of this world. The prospect of what he could achieve here was limitless.

However, his weapon, while powerful, was nothing compared to his gold-tiered skill, [Blood of Ancients]. The skill doubled his attributes while providing double the number of free stat points at each level, which would mean he would soon become an unstoppable powerhouse. Finally, he would rise above those old fogeys from the military establishment that held him back for all those years. How many years had he given to serving God and country, and for what? Only to be held back at every stage by the top brass who gave promotions to those with connections. However, there was nothing to hold him down in this world, only his talent and will. Adam cracked a smile, imagining the bright future that awaited him.

Suddenly, the chimes of bells rang out across the area.

'Ding.' 'The first wave completed. The second wave commencing.'

"Finally!" Adam couldn't help but lament. There had been a 5-minute delay between waves. Five minutes lost that could have been spent leveling up. Adam turned and looked at his friend. He and Rick had been through thick and thin together since joining the military over ten years ago. They had been heading to the gun range for the weekend when the Heavens brought them here together. A lucky coincidence, in his opinion. If only Rick could see the potential of this world. Instead, his friend yearned to be reunited with his wife and family back home. 'Hmph, he just doesn't understand what he's gained,' he thought. No matter, his friend would come around soon.

"Rick, how are our preparations?" Adam asked.

"As ready as we can be. Some of the groups suffered serious casualties. We've taken the injured to get healed and combined a few smaller groups, but we've lost almost 20% of our forces. I recommend we pull back some of the weaker groups. I can take a few of the stronger fighters to reduce the burden on the front line." Rick said.

Adam shook his head. "No. I need you here with us. Once the goblin wave hits the front line, we'll be able to launch a surprise attack on their flanks."

"But what about the people? They're just civilians," Rick countered.

"You know this is the right decision. Don't you want to make it back to see your wife and kids?"

Rick looked down before nodding his head. He hated seeing other people suffer, but he needed to think about his family.

Adam smiled once Rick accepted his orders. Many would call him callous for treating others like cannon fodder, but they only had themselves to blame. It was the way of the world for the strong to use the weak. Just like he had been used as a sacrificial lamb by political leaders back home, so too would he use those around him as stepping stones towards greatness.

"Only with strength can one rise," Adam whispered to himself. He looked over at the elite group of fighters he had personally selected. Each of them was blessed with a silver-tiered skill from the shop, courtesy of heavens handing out a decent number of DP to the select few. It was a shame he couldn't get those who had entered the red and black gates to join, though, in hindsight, it was probably for the best. They would have been challenging to control anyway.

"Lads… and ladies. You know the drill. We'll charge in once the goblin momentum breaks against the defensive line. The one with the least kills buys the drinks." Adam smiled while gazing over the group. Everyone laughed while preparing their weapons for the slaughter that was to come.


Joe sighed once he left the tent. It had taken a full 5 minutes of waiting before he was finally treated by an irate Doctor who had the [Full Heal] skill. It was a silver-tiered skill that had not only healed his leg but also all his other bodily ailments. As a result, Joe had never felt better. Even his acne had cleared up. He barely had a moment to thank the doctor before being shooed out of the tent to make way for new patients. He shook his leg while giving it a final check. The wound had disappeared entirely, leaving only a tiny white mark.

'Ding.' 'The first wave completed. The second wave is commencing.'

Joe's eyes twitched once he heard the system announcement, grateful for the timing. A few minutes earlier and he would never have gotten healed in time. He was only 150 EXP away from leveling and couldn't afford to miss out on this wave. He silently gave thanks to the God of luck and rushed ahead to rejoin his group.

Not a moment later, bright bursts of light appeared in the distance, informing everyone of the arrival of the second wave. Goblins spawned across the grassy plain in their hundreds. This time, the scrawny weak goblins of the first round were gone, replaced with normal-looking ones equipped with swords and spears. Even their loincloths had been upgraded to basic rags with a few leather scraps for better defense and coverage. They screeched in union before charging towards the human lines like a green tidal wave.

The fear on people's faces was palpable. However, the sacrifices from the first wave had not been in vain. Everyone stood firm, standing toe to toe while lifting their weapons in defiance. Old and young, men and women readied themselves for the goblins to arrive.

"Give 'em hell!" The command went out across the lines as long-range skill users unleashed volleys of attacks into the goblin ranks. Explosions of various types laid waste to entire groups before a single enemy managed to reach the first human squad. Yet the tide of goblins was unceasing. Eventually, the first group crashed into the human wall. Steel against steel and goblin against human collided in a cacophony of noise—however, this time, the human line held as they roared in defiance, holding back the wave of goblins with everything they had.

Joe reached the front line just as the first wave of goblins smashed into the human wall. He scanned the horizon, searching for his comrades, hoping to find them before the chaos made it impossible to locate anyone. He eventually spotted an ice elemental in the distance. There were quite a few [Elemental Summoners] in the human ranks. Still, the ice elemental had become the go-to for Jones thanks to the vicious attacks it could dish out without harming fellow teammates. With his direction set, Joe pulled his sword from its sheath and charged into the fray.

Yet, he didn't make it very far before being ambushed. While the human line held, it was not infallible. Groups of goblins managed to squeeze through. One particular goblin snuck past two shield-bearers only to lock eyes with Joe . It screamed and charged at him like a mad hobo. Joe leaned on [sword mastery] to set his stance. The second the goblin arrived, he unleashed a downward slash straight into the goblin's head. The goblin tried to jump out of the way but Joe's timing was perfect. Its momentum prevented it from fully extricating itself from the attack. The sword cut into the goblin's shoulder, causing it to yell in pain. One more swipe and Joe finished it off completely. This time the blood and gore hardly fazed him as he continued forwards toward his destination.

"Haha, Joe, glad you managed to make it," Smokey yelled out as he grabbed a struggling goblin with his free hand before smashing its head into the ground. Its body spasmed for only a moment before finally going limp. It was a frightening display of strength and quite fitting for a man who liked to think of himself as a bear.

"Couldn't let you get all the glory" Joe smiled back. "Where do you need me?"

"Help support, Jones. Kill any goblin that gets close." Smokey said.

Joe nodded as he went up behind Jones and his elemental. He gave Jones a quick fist bump before getting in position.

Soon, the battlefield descended into a massive brawl with goblins and humans battling it out across the green fields. Joe had grouped up with Jones and another squad member named Camilla in an attempt to shore up their flank. Camilla was a thirty something woman who wielded dual daggers to launch lightning-quick attacks supported by the [telekinesis] skill. She moved with impressive grace, using Jone's elemental for cover while sneaking around to finish any unsuspecting opponent.

Yet, no matter how many goblins were killed, their numbers never seemed to end. Joe doubted they would last much longer if things continue as is with both Camilla and Jones almost out of energy. Unfortunately, his fears came true when another five goblins broke through the line, heading their way.

Joe observed the tired and worn faces of his team. Both had eyes filled with reluctance as they stared at each other in silent acknowledgement of their impending doom. Smokey and the others were busy with their own battles and with another five goblins veering down on them, there was no time to get help. Joe exhaled, deciding to risk it all. He gripped his sword and with a yell, bolted ahead, colliding with two of the closest goblins, breaking their charge. Fortunately, the distraction gave Camilla the time she needed to activate her skill. Using [telekinesis], she disarmed two of the goblins, sending their swords flying out of their hands. With the goblin in front of him disarmed, Joe moved in for the kill. He lunged, impaling it through the stomach. It sputtered out a mouthful of blood, giving him a final look of disdain until finally going still. Jones also commanded what was left of his golem to charge in and decapitate the other. However, the other three goblins swerved around Joe and the golem, heading straight toward Jones while cackling in mirth. Joe stood up and tried to chase after them but he was too far behind.

However, just as things appeared hopeless, silvery swords made of light materialized above their heads and began raining down on the three unsuspecting goblins. All three collapsed to the ground with eyes hazed over, their heads and necks pierced. Joe looked over to see the elite squads making their way through the battlefield, unleashing a torrent of attacks on any goblin they could find. By some miracle, they had survived.

The rest of the battle went smoothly once the elites moved in to finish off the last groups of goblins. Joe had managed to kill another goblin that snuck past. Still, most of the glory went to the long-distance skill users and elite fighters. They racked up multiple kills through bombardment tactics or sheer strength. Harvesting kills like a farmer harvesting wheat. Joe could only imagine how many levels they had managed to gain. Even Smokey, who largely stayed put near his team, was closing in on level 4.

Yet, while Joe couldn't compare to others, things weren't all bad. He had racked up three kills, gaining 300 experience! Hitting his target of 150 exp needed to level up.

Once the battle ended, Joe could barely contain his excitement as he opened up his status bar to see the latest change.

Name: Joe Heraldson

Level: 2

Experience Points: 150/550

Race: Human (F)

Grade: Mortal

Blessings: Heaven's Chosen

Strength: 12

Vitality: 14

Agility: 12

Will: 13

Spirit: 15

Free Stats: 5

There it was. Joe's hard work had paid off. He was now level 2 with five free stat points to his name. Joe fist-bumped the air in celebration. His mind began racing as he considered his next steps. His first thought was to save the points until the 4th floor. The Angel said that many things would become clear once they reached that milestone. He didn't know what it meant, but there might be information on attributes and their effects. Perhaps even strategies and guides to create the perfect build. Joe considered it for only a moment before he quickly discarded such thoughts. Now wasn't the time to horde stats. He needed every advantage he could get to survive the next three floors.

The next choice was whether to go with a min-max or even distribution approach. Joe could dump all his points in one attribute, giving him an advantage in one particular area while keeping him weak in others. Or he could spread his stats out evenly, giving him more versatility. Joe pondered the decision. He didn't have any skill that boosted any particular stat like Smokey had, which meant a min-max strategy wouldn't be as effective for him as for others. There was also the decision of which attribute to focus on? Did he need Vitality if he had the [Respawn] skill? He wasn't even sure what Will and Spirit did yet, so did it make sense to invest in those stats at this stage?

Joe contemplated for almost a minute until he made his decision. He opened his stat page and mentally placed 3 points in agility and 2 in strength. Happy with his decision, he confirmed his selection and closed the menu. At worst, there was nothing wrong with getting all stats to a baseline of 15. Strength and agility were his worst attributes, and he could see he was falling behind the others. Strength and agility would also assist his [Sword Mastery] skill. He found multiple times when his body could not keep up with the skill, so hopefully, higher stats would help. Finally, the first time he almost died was because he couldn't react quickly enough. The goblins were fast and nimble. He needed a way to respond to their attacks in time. After all, the best way to avoid dying or getting injured was not to get hit at all.

With his selection made, Joe sat down to rest. The battle hadn't been as bad as the first wave, but it was still taxing. He grabbed some water from his pack, which he had placed nearby. He chugged the water down, enjoying the feeling of relief as it helped to quench his dry throat. Who had known killing was such a thirsty business. As he sat there contemplating the battle, the chimes of bells rang out again across the hills. The third wave had arrived.