
War Of 300

Untold story of a female Viking warrior. Katheline. With tensions at it's climax between the Viking and Sparta in year 302. A resilient young woman steps into the battlefield when her father suddenly dies from a deadly illness she'd follow in her father's footsteps as a warrior for the rebellious Vikings. Almost knowing nothing about fighting she starts from scratch as a soldier for the Lands Of Costina, the woman's high ambition and strong willed heart leads her to surviving the unforgiving reality of their time. Little did she know that she'd fall hopelessly in love with their sworn enemy, a Spartan warrior. Choosing to either fight along side him with a romantic life or for her father's cause was the hardest decision she'd ever have to make. The choice would haunt her until the end. Her fate is on the line.

UNBROKEN · History
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6 Chs


The gentle wind could be seen blowing several leafs over a couple of dead corpses laid out all over the cold dirt ground. It was a blissful moment of a pure silence.

Katheline is seen kneeling on one knee with recently fresh blood spread across her face and the damaged silver armor she's wearing.

The woman's got an intense shocked expression as she helplessly look's at the massive bloodied battlefield with tears running down her cheeks. Not a word spoken.

"It's gone too far."

Can be heard coming from her mouth as she holds her sword up to her forehead and slowly closes her eyes with years of regret.

Another knight comes up from behind the woman and comforts her by putting his hand onto her shoulder.

The view of the scene would begin to slowly fade away into the distance, eventually showing the seemingly endless area where the brutal war took place at.

This was years before it all happened.

The War of 300 BE.