
Eyes Closed

Sam had seriously never thought this was what would happen after he got connected to an energy . There was simply nothing he had to do .

" Go home and rest ." It said " Some people on this planet don't have pure intentions against us stronger species . It'll be best to be careful , even if they won't let you live in peace either way ."

He knew it'll come with a cost , but simply because he had connected with an energy , that light orb had said that people will be after him .

If he wanted to be safe from them , he had to wait for the process to complete then look for a ' gate ' and fight to the death against those monsters he saw .

He looked back towards the forest as he thought back to the words that light orb had said .

" The only way to get stronger , at least available to you is to find a gate and fight . When you reach tier 1 , you will be teleported away from this planet and everything will be once more , properly explained by my organisation . Just remember , staying alive takes precedence over anything ."

Sam turned back around and looked at his hands . ' Nothing yet .'

He had to wait for changes to his body , like perhaps more strength , or maybe flames burning in his eyes .

Anything could be a sign of him connecting with an energy .

From what he was told , there are myriads of energy in this world and anyone who wants to ' grow ' out of their species will have to connect to one .

What they were doing was squeezing out the potential of their bodies to make themselves stronger , so , in then end of the day they were a species Superior to their old one .

Sam walked on the sidewalk along the road , all the way till he reached the area he lived in . It was not the best place in the world , as he had to be self sufficient , but it wasn't the worst either .

The people in the area were good natured , and to Sam , that was good enough . He worked a 9 to 5 job and earned enough to have a life he thought was comfortable enough .

As soon as he entered his house , he removed the shirt he was wearing .

He sat on his bed and slowly thought back to his experience today .

' Everything will change .'

Monsters were going to be left open on this planet . It was going to be completely destroyed .

He had seen the future danger firsthand and had a chance to save himself .

' My life is the most important . ' He thought as he remembered what he needed to do .

' It's just killing monsters ... It can't be that much harder than killing level 0 monsters in an RPG .'

He smiled as he remembered all the RPGs he had played . Back then he had always wished he could also wield a sword and go around beating up monsters and saving kingdoms .

He smiled but the smile turned into a frown the very next moment .

" What the fuck am I thinking about . " He slapped himself a few times before falling back first on his bed .

This was the real world . Not an RPG . He was a weakling , a mob , so to say . He was even told his grade .

He was a tierless creature . Even the weakest of the monsters was a Tier 0 .

' It's easy to become a tier 0 , though . The real challenge is getting stronger . Tier 1 is easy , as it's the first growth . It gets progressively harder after that . '

He had heard every word that light had said with extreme focus .

" The monsters have the benefit of getting stronger much faster than other creatures . They are also much stronger than those at their same level and only monster at your own level or higher can help you grow , so it's all up to you whether you can grow or not . " The light said looking down at the monsters " The ones down there are all at least tier 1 . I allowed only the ones below tier 1 to roam outside the gate . The humans chosen by us can all access the gates and go through to fight the monsters . The powers you gain when you connect to energies are innate to you and can help you speed up the process at lower level , but you will need to develop even them if you want to fight at higher levels . "

The light remained silent for some time before it spoke again " You will understand everything yourself as you grow . I am only here to give you a slight push . Everything after that will depend on your fate . "

This was the moment it suddenly hit his head and he was teleported outside , into the forest .

' From what I can tell , it'll be almost like an RPG . Fast paced at the beginning and being slow as a snail right after . '

He prepared himself mentally for whatever power he will gain on connecting with the energy . He knew that the power will most likely define his future path .

The innate power will be able to be used with whatever energy he connects to , so he had no need to care about what he gets , as long as it is strong enough to help him get stronger .

He closed his eyes and waited to wake up tomorrow , both from this mental stress and to a new world .

Next chapter