
0055 Chapter Fifty Five : The Beginning of Serious Cultivation

A healthy body resides in a healthy mind, not the other way around, and just trying to take care of the body without the mind does not help in the matter except to beautify its appearance... And physical strength is due to the brain and not to the body parts. The stronger the brain, the stronger the body.

War is the path to the unknown

Chapter Fifty Five : The Beginning of Serious Cultivation

Meanwhile, Professor Derek entered

"Good morning, boys," Derek said, placing his briefcase on the desk next to him

" Today we're going to practice outside... there's nothing to write today," Derek said nonchalantly

"Did he say we'll practice outside today?" said one of the students, feeling a bit dumbfounded

"Yeah. Looks like we'll be practicing outside. I'm going to show you my true strength haha." The other person replied.

"Now it's time," Valencia said briskly

"What time?" Kayden asked


All middle school students...

They were standing outside in one of the large school playgrounds.

In front of them, teacher Derek moves and looks at each one of them.

" Now we will practice." Derek said after standing in the middle of the students in a loud voice

Training is a modern and effective way to improve and develop any of the different areas of life, whether it is in the personal, academic, financial, practical, family, health or any other field.

Today, training occupies a central place in the world as an important and effective way to achieve goals by dividing them into small tasks.

The training industry has become one of the heavy industries that needs specific inputs, and these inputs must also have specific standards of quality so that we can achieve the correct concept of training. And amend the old concepts, which is that training is not just an expense but a high-value investment.

"Does anyone know what training is?" Derek asked in a surprised voice

" Oh.. yeah.. yeah I am." Shereen suddenly raised her hands

"So you know what training I'm talking about," Derek said

" Training...

Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skill, and competencies as a result of professional teaching or practical skills and knowledge that relate to identified useful competencies.

It forms the core of the apprenticeship and provides the backbone of content at the Laurania School.

In addition to the basic training required to do a business, job or profession, And observers of the labor market recognize the need for further training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, develop and update work skills throughout life. Shereen said as she pulled out what was in her sleeve

People in many professions and trades may refer to this type of training as professional development. Some commentators use a similar term in the workplace: learning to improve performance: No training and development. One can generally classify such training as on-the-job or off-the-job:

On-the-job training takes place in the normal working situation, using the actual tool, equipment, documents or materials that will be used when the trainees are fully trained.. On-the-job training has a general reputation as being the most effective for professional work.

Training outside work takes place far from normal work situations, which means that the employee is not considered a direct productive factor in such training. Off-the-job training has the advantage that it allows a person to have more precision and focus on the training itself away from work.

This type of training has proven more effective in instilling concepts and ideas.

Training differs from practice in that people may engage in it as an occasional activity for pleasure.

But Derek didn't actually mean all of that

"Yeah, hmm, yeah, right." Derek felt a little worried that the girl knew all that stuff

" Well what I mean is, practice to be a wizard," Derek said, looking at the students

"Training to be a magician," the students said in astonishment

"Yeah..so we will do three types of exercises

First, the paper training, which I will explain to you in the class, and which will be explained to you by Ms. Christina," Derek said, complementing his words.

"Who is Christina?" Kayden whispered in Shireen's ear

"Oh..don't you know? Christina is the teacher who comes to us after Mr. Derek's class? Don't you remember?" Shireen said.

At that moment, Kaiden knew that Shireen was not just an ordinary student, but rather a sea of ​​information.

"Seems like she can memorize quite well, unlike a normal human," Kaiden thought to himself

" The second training will be physical training, and this is what we will start with now, and then we will move on to magic training…" Derek continued

Physical training focuses on mechanistic goals: Training programs in this area develop specific skills or muscles, often culminating at a specific time.

Some physical training programs focus on raising general physical fitness. In military use, training means acquiring the physical ability to perform and survive in combat, and to learn many of the skills needed in combat wartime

They include how to use a variety of weapons, outdoor survival skills, and how to survive being captured by the enemy among others.

Like sending people into the woods, etc

For psychological or physiological reasons, people who think it may be beneficial for them choose to do relaxation training, or otogenetic training,

In an effort to increase their ability to relax, or to deal with stress, while some studies have indicated that relaxation training is beneficial for some medical conditions, Autogenic training has limited results or has been the result of a small number of studies.

At that moment Caiden grabbed his fist and said

"This is my chance to level up."