
0049 Chapter forty nine : MMA?

A healthy body resides in a healthy mind, not the other way around, and just trying to take care of the body without the mind does not help in the matter except to beautify its appearance... And physical strength is due to the brain and not to the body parts. The stronger the brain, the stronger the body.

War is the path to the unknown

Chapter forty nine : MMA?

The third year of secondary school, the intermediate class

He stood in front of Valencia, then Frey said with an angry face

"Is that your girlfriend then?" Fry said, pointing at Kayden with his hand

"So what do you want?" Valencia replied with an indifferent face

"Ah... you left me for that little bastard? Madam, I think he blinded you to me," said Fry in a slightly sad voice, as if he had just been rejected.

" Hoi Hoi, who do you propose to the weak, you idiot, do you know who I am? Kaiden said angrily as his veins showed through. Fry felt a bit uncomfortable and then a thought popped into his mind.

" So let's separate this with a competition.. between you and me. Whoever wins.. wins the heart of the queen," said Fry, speaking with some fervor, but he was also praying that Kaiden accept this competition as well.

Fry was one of the strongest people in the class.. but in front of the unidentified Kaiden here.. anyone could decide the winner ..

" Since we are forbidden to use magic against disciples, so we will play MMA.." Frey smiled and looked slyly at Kaiden.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a combat sport that combines many martial arts, techniques and skills.

The rules allow direct strikes and grabs to be used while standing or on the floor

Which allows fighters to enter the sport with different martial arts backgrounds: judo, taekwondo, boxing, wrestling, ju-jitsu, karate, Muay Thai, and others.

" Did I say MMA?! Caiden said a little surprised

Although initially denounced by critics as a brutal, bloody sport with no rules, MMA has gradually shed its no-holds-barred image and emerged as one of the fastest growing spectator sports in the world.

" She was instrumental in pushing for a set of rules to unify the sport globally.

Regulatory bodies and many fighting promotions around the world have adopted standards known as the Unified Rules for Mixed Martial Arts. under these rules

MMA participants compete in a ring or fenced area, and fight using padded fingerless gloves but no shoes or headgear. They may hit, throw, kick or wrestle an opponent,

Attacks can be launched either from a standing position or on the ground. However, head-butting, bluffing (thrusting a finger or thumb into an opponent's eye), biting, hair-pulling, and groin attacks of any kind are prohibited.

Downward elbow strikes, throat strikes, and strikes to the spine or the back of the head are also illegal, as are some attacks against an unconscious opponent, including kicks or knees to the head.

In the event of a fighter's violation of a rule, the referee may issue a warning, deduct points, or - particularly when it is considered a flagrant foul - disqualify the offending contestant," Shereen begins to explain.

" What ? ! all of this ? Caiden felt a little confused

"So what do you think now? Are you afraid?" Fry said with malicious expressions.

"No.. Actually, I don't want to compete for something like that," Kaiden said

Kaiden was afraid that he would hit this person painfully because of Kaiden's great self-confidence .. On the other hand, Frey believed that Kaiden was despising what Frey was doing from him...

"Okay..he'll accept it," Valencia said suddenly

"Oh.. what? Wait, I didn't agree to anything... Actually, I don't care," Kaiden said

" Well.. don't hold back now... I'll wait for you for a month. You have to double your efforts at that time.. I left you a long time so that someone wouldn't say I bully the weak haha" Fry said as he stepped back to take his place

At that moment, his teacher with black hair and a long green cloak began

"Oh.. you idiots," Kaiden said after letting out a heavy snort

But Kaiden naturally hates losing, he used to say most of the time

He who said that what matters is not gain or loss was often a loser.


Thus, the lesson passed by explaining some basics of physics...

Everyone got out and went their own way

Caiden was going home, but Shereen stopped him

" Do you want to advertise the team? At least until someone comes and joins us quickly.. until we register the club.. before registration, the club must contain at least five members...

Otherwise, they will not accept the club and not register it, and this is what prevents us from taking financing as well," Sherine said, explaining the matter

" Wow.. are there ads too? This looks really cool.. Well, I'll think about making one," Kaiden said, wringing his mind

"If you are not free for that.. then I can make an advertisement for us to apply to the club," Shereen said a little shyly.

Advertising is one of the marketing strategies, which depends on trying to influence a specific group of people, by communicating with that group with specific messages that affect their behavior. In order to convince them to make a certain decision, such as the decision to buy a new product. Or even join a club

" If so..thank you so much for that..remind me I'll invite you for a drink later.." Kayden said before turning away from Shireen's sight

"Did he say we'd meet on a date?" Shireen's heart began to pound as she thought to herself