
War in animal kingdom

Once upon a time in the land of animals, there was war between the wolf family and the lions family over a land which was no man's land.

This fight lasted for three days with blood sheds of each animal kingdom causing great chaos amongst each of the family.

On the third day of the war the lion been the king of the jungle came to a final conclusion that it is of no good to fight each other.

Then he called out for a meeting and made it clear to all the animals in the land saying "of no reason should they fight each other, the land is no man's land there was land before we were born and there will be land when we will go so therefore eat from the fruit of the land".

The king of the jungle made it clear to all the animals in the land, that it is worthless to fight over a piece of land, and from that day onward the two families came to stay together as one in the piece of land.