
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Ten

I woke up to a sunny morning, the sun was shining right on my eyes because I didn't close the curtains before I crashed last night. I still felt sore in so many places, and the fact that my body was taken over by something else made it worse.

I didn't need to think hard to remember everything I saw in my subconscious, I've imagined how people are going to look at me if I rage out again, from what I saw from Axy and Rhyo's eyes the reactions won't be good.

I took a while in the bathroom because my body was still stiff and it ached with every movement I made. I hadn't bothered to ask about clothes because I'd only been here for two days and I wore the same clothes I came in.

After the long shower I came back into the room and found a note on the bed, "I took the liberty of getting you some clothes since I noticed you didn't have any anymore, check the wardrobe", I read.

Rickhel is a nice guy I wonder why Strig doesn't trust him.

I opened the wardrobe and took out a shirt and shorts, he had an eye for nice things, well what did I expect from rich people. I put the clothes on and walk out of the room.

Downstairs, as usual, Axy had already gone out it was just me and Rickhel again, I kinda wonder why there are no housekeepers in a mansion this big.

"So I got some questions, I need some answers everything is driving me crazy right now", I said to Rickhel who was sitting on the opposite side of the dining table we were eating on.

"Okay, I will answer to the best of my knowledge I've been wondering why you didn't have more questions before", he replied.

"First of all, how did I get into the academy, Haz always said he didn't have money for my college and how is it possible that I got admitted after just finishing high school a few days ago?", I asked the first question.

"Okay that's an easy one, Haz called the academy and told them you are Rit Rednik's son, believe it or not, your mother was once the greatest war guard alive and she also when to the academy, she taught me and Haz what we know about magic and she also was our team leader. For how it was possible to admit you into the academy when you just completed high school a few days ago, in Vasi we don't take all the conventional classes that they take in Tarc, we are focused on magic and its applications in various fields while Tarc is focused on other aspects that don't in valve magic. Tarc's school years are longer than ours so Axy and her friends finished high school three months ago, and according to the terms of your admission if you have finished high school then you are eligible for admission and they can wait for six months for your high school records submission while you study", He answered even some of the small question I had hoped to throw at him.

"Okay, second question, how do these books work, and how does someone get chosen to wield a particular book?".

"Good question, the books of grait are a combination of magic in science in their highest forms, there was a war once in our continent, and it wasn't always this peaceful a lot of people died in that war. Grait our ancestor looked for a way to end the bloodshed then he got the idea. He created papers capable of storing magic, and he journeyed to the temple of the ancient gods to ask them for a little piece of their magic to give the book power. He planned to give each book to each of the continents so that they will hold power equal to the other and in doing so end the war.

He created eight books, the books of the time, souls, curses, beasts, nature, swords, dreams, and wrath, but what he saw was that the books of time which granted immortality and the ability to control time, and the book of wrath which could wreak havoc if it was ever duplicated were too dangerous to give to any nation so he kept them hidden, and shared the books to each nation, the two nations that didn't get a unique book where given duplicates of the books of nature and dreams", He answered, paused and took a sip of his tea.

"For how the books choose who to wield them when Grait gave the books to each of the Kings of each nation he created another device that would be able to copy a limited amount of pages from anybody to send to the people of that nation, each family from a particular nation got one book which the pass down to their children as they children are born the book detects if they have an affinity for magic, and duplicates itself to grant them power", He concluded.

"Wow, that's a lot of information", I said overwhelmed with the amount of info I was getting, if this was Haz he would make everything as brief as possible.

"You asked for the answers", He replied smiling.

"Yeah I know, so what about the book of wrath and time?", I asked.

"If you are asking how the book chose you then I don't have an answer for that, all I know is the books were created nine hundred years ago, and Grait hid the two books left very well, it was fifty years ago that it was found in an underground labyrinth that was filled all sorts of booby traps, it was discovered because of a landslide and after all efforts to open the books and see what was inside it was only your pregnant mother who succeed in wielding it, and she used it only once to fight against the god that gave the book its power.

Great, he didn't know why I was chosen all he knew was that my mother was the first person to see the contents of the book after 900 years.

I got up to take my plates away and he said to me, " I know you are worried about what can happen if you get angry again, but I have talked to my friend who is a professor at the academy and he will take care of you", He said.

Here I was thinking Axy was too scared to say what she saw.