
Let Me Act

Things didn't go completely as she had planned. By the time Sakura arrived outside her grandfather's study her body and mind were completely exhausted. She had very much underestimated how weak her current body was as she still felt this way after using her meditation technique. In her previous life she had no problem using this technique to increase her training time but she forgot that that was due to her body having been trained and her current body had not been.

Lugging her limbs around that didn't want to listen to her, she went up to the door and knocked. Moments later she heard her grandfather invite her in and she struggled to open the door. Before she entered she put on a strong face and did her best to hide her fatigue, then walked up to his desk. Unfortunately, she got caught.

"My little Sakura, are you ok? You look tired," her grandfather asked.

As she didn't want to say the real reason she was in this condition Sakura lied and said, "I couldn't get any sleep."

Looking worried he replied, "Should I have someone send you back to your room?"

"No, it is fine. I can head back for a nap after we finish chatting." Not wanting to delay satisfying the previous Sakura's grievance of becoming an actress any longer she tried her best to convince her grandfather that she was ok.

He still looked worried but seemed to have decided to not pry further into the matter.

"Alright then, I asked to see you here today so we can talk about what you plan to do now that you have fully recovered. I have a suspicion I know the answer but I want to confirm things with you." By the time he had finished speaking his face had changed to a more serious expression.

Fully prepared to negotiate knowing that he might have changed his mind about letting her act, Sakura went with her first plan and quickly blurted out, "Grandfather, you gave me five years for my acting career, and I am grateful for that. Two years have past but there are still three more left."

She then bowed her head before continuing, "Please let me continue working towards my dreams of being an actress during these next three years at least."

Grandfather Ye was surprised. He had never seen his granddaughter bow before him. He knew she was suffering from a small case of amnesia but this was completely new to him. Not knowing what to do in such an unexpected situation it took him a minute to respond.

"My little Sakura, please stop bowing," he said and after Sakura straighten back up he continued. "We did make a deal on five years; therefore, I plan to keep it with you as long as you are still willing to keep up with your studies."

Not expecting it to be that easy Sakura didn't believe it at first. Then she became grateful for not needing to resort to her other plans. However, what she did not know was how much this new grandfather of hers loved his granddaughter. He would do anything to help her to achieve her dreams so, of course it was that easy.

She then bowed again before saying, "Thank you grandfather."

Seeing his granddaughter bow again made him feel quite awkward but he took it as her being happy so he continued on with the conversation.

"I will make the necessary arrangements for you again and I can tell that you are not feeling well so I will have someone take you to your room for some rest."

Happy that working towards solving the first grievance was going smoothly she replied, "Yes, Thank you." Then, she let the maids that arrived lead her back to her room as she was indeed exhausted.

After Sakura left the room her grandfather started thinking. He had burned bridges with the last company he went through to help his granddaughter get into acting. After the accident he had blamed that entertainment company and severed his companies ties with them. He would need to find another avenue.

That was when he thought about the man he met yesterday. Koda Rei, the new big shot investor that had just moved into the city not more than a year ago. As an investor it was highly likely he was investing in the entertainment industry as well. He had received his contact information back when they were chatting while waiting for the results of the investigation.

After what happened yesterday he believed he could trust this person so he decided to give him a call and see if he might be willing to help his granddaughter out.

_ _ _ _ _ _

At the same time Koda Rei was in his room waiting impatiently for his secretary to return. After the incident yesterday, he had asked her to get as much information on the pink haired girl as possible for him. He realized that after leaving he had only received an introduction from the grandfather who was the head of Ye Corporation and regretted not knowing more about the pink haired girl.

As soon as he had finished that thought, the person he had been waiting for had finally arrived. Miss Fei quickly walked up to the side of his bed and immediately began to report the information she had gathered.

"The pink haired girls name is Ye Sakura."

Ye Sakura? You're kidding. She has the same name?

"She just recently recovered from a two-year coma after being in a car accident. She is currently now eighteen years old and lives with her grandfather who is the head of Ye Corporation..."

Koda Rei didn't hear anything after the girl's name was said to him and just looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

The sound of Miss Fei's smartphone ringing brought him back from his daydreaming.