
War Goddess' Guide to Creating the Perfect Husband

Khirelle, the War goddess, is hailed as one of the greatest fighters since time immemorial. However, no one knows this indisputable fact, except for Zeus himself. But not even he, nor Hercules, can even dream about defeating her. This goddess of war may be the most powerful on this planet, but when it came to matters of the heart, though? Love? Pfft, forget about it! Love, is the only battle she'll always lose on, again and again. Whoever said, 'There's plenty of fish in the sea,' obviously didn't know what it's like to be a goddess who lived in Mt. Olympus! Everyone knows how messed up the Grecian deities are when it comes to relationships, and that's putting it mildly. Undeterred by what's considered 'normal' in their society, Khirelle takes matters into her own hands and decides to create her partner entirely from scratch. Yes, literally. Using an ancient spell, she has to go through a long and arduous journey that's filled with never-ending trials that'll continuously test her to her utmost limits. A grand adventure that's packed with violence, laughter, heartache, friendship, table flip worthy scenarios, self-discovery, and let's not forget - tea, and even more tea. - "So, all these ingredients I'm going to gather, they're going to be used to create my husband?" "What? My concern's pretty legit, you know? I mean... 30 River siren femurs, 10 Elysian worm skulls, 5 Centaur skin... I don't know about you, but don't you think this destined better half of mine, is going to end up looking like a chimera at this point?!"

Ankth · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Meadows of Aspodel [4/8]

Melaina is also known by the names of Melinoe and Melainis.

She is a chthonic nymph, who not only holds power to madness and nightmares but also rules over: restless spirits, hauntings, and ghosts.

If she had been born under normal circumstances, she could have been hailed as a goddess — even if she technically is one.

As destiny would have it, however, she's a child born in the depths of the fiery pits of hell. Though, to be more accurate, it was in the river of Acheron.

It's one of the bodies of water that runs along within the borders of the underworld. So because of that, she is unable to have a more prestigious title.

If there is anyone who can lend me a hand, I can't imagine it being anyone else but her.

I decide that it's best just to give in and ask for her help.

Not one to delay things any; further, I immediately make a decision and let her know, "Doing things on my own will only probably result in taking more time to complete my task. So yes, it'd be stupid of me to turn you down."

"Besides, you already found out the hard way in the past. I am no longer worried if you'll follow me out of this place." After saying that, I grow silent, and I reminisce about that time.

It was when it hadn't been all too long since Melaina was born.



I'm paying Hades and his new wife, Persephone, a visit.

I'm being escorted as we walk through the palace hallways that are paved with slate and marble. Unlike outside, the insides of this structure are lit reasonably brightly. The once gloomy estate is filled with being filled with someone else's touch.

In almost complete silence, I continue to follow after one of the palace chamberlains. The almost rhythmic sound of metal clanking against the other matches the speed of my steps as he takes me to the newlyweds' room.


The heavy raven-colored door, left ajar creaks as I push it further inward to widen the gap.

Typically, a person would already be looking inside the room, but I can't seem to tear my eyes away from this massive slab of pure wood.

It's a bit hard to tear my eyes away from it when the majority of the materials they've used are humanoid bones. It's not just there, though; it's the entire entryway, even down to its frame.

How many human bones have they used to decorate this thing? As I continue to walk by it slowly, I glide my hands along the edges.

Despite how unnerving it looks, I couldn't help but feel the smooth and cold material on my fingertips as I admiringly run it across something that's at an artisanal-grade level or quality work. Each section is full of intricate carvings with so many dips and curves.

I manage to tear myself away from the door finally, and I begin heading towards their lounge area. I, however, am still preoccupied with the new home decor. This place needed a woman's touch. It's so much more lively now.

I'm not paying much attention to my surroundings, but a few whispers come up here and there.

Ugh. I am not expecting to run into anyone, so I do my best to look completely engrossed in whatever has caught my eye at the moment.

Right now, I stand across a vase, and I start to 'inspect' it closely.

Although some people are giving me a few odd looks as they go by, I pretend I am too preoccupied to notice who they are.


I'm just really not in the mood to make small talk right now.

It seems to be working, so I continue to feign interest with anything I come across as soon as I hear some other people walking by. The closer I get, the more I hear a few others cheerfully say their goodbyes to the new parents.

It's almost impossible to keep myself from scoffing especially when I hear that they wish them 'all the luck and happiness in the world', when it comes to raising their daughter.

Off to my side, however, I hear someone cough towards my direction.

A snicker or two flows out of a few people's lips as they ascertain why I'm here, "Hmm... So, I see someone interesting has decided to show up here... to do what, though, exactly? Is Khirelle going to start a catfight or something?!"

I make out some murmuring and shuffling of clothing as they shift the balance of their weight onto their other foot.

Since they've mentioned my name, I feel like I have no choice but to address it now.

Unperturbed, I do my best to answer their query as politely as possible, "Hello. I am War goddess Khirelle, as some of you may know."

A brief pause impregnates the silence that briefly veils this room. At this point, I'm no longer worried about what they're going to say as I realize that nothing will ever be good enough for them.

Should I bother clarifying a few things? Or, the better question is: is it even worth it, though? Who knows.

This is none of their business, but it doesn't help that they just can't seem to understand that, at the moment.

My relationship with Persephone isn't the greatest. But, if we hated each other's guts THAT much, do they honestly think I'd be able to come here without being driven out?!

Sometimes the amount, or almost complete lack of one's intelligence, really puzzles me to no end.


Unfortunately, knowing the right words to say at this moment eludes me.

Hades and I just happened to know that somehow, it just isn't going to work between us. It's why I honestly didn't mind that he hasn't notified me. So, not only has he already married someone but now, he even has a child.

Correction: not just a child, but a daughter. He already has a daughter!

I don't understand how they think sometimes. I'm not a homewrecker. I know Zeus does it all the time, but I'm not him!

I'm more than glad and quite happy for Hades. That is the truth in its entirety—the actual reality of things, and nothing but.

The thing is, I never had a problem with this couples' union.

It seems like Persephone has taken a disliking to me anyway, though. It's only to be expected, as I'm the last person her husband has dated.

Surprisingly, one sensible person speaks up to chastise the others, "Holy... Please, for the love of everything - behave yourselves! This is extremely embarrassing. Persephone and Hades are a happily married couple. Also, didn't Khirelle and Hades break up quite some time ago? Stop acting like immature idiots!"

Some of them grumble; as I mutter a small prayer of thanks. Not long after, most of them march out the door and leave.

I place a hand on my chest and breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, they're gone. I can look around this place without having to worry if I'll make some unwanted eye contact.


Their bedroom is so unnecessarily big that I start to wonder if they should have just made as a separate building for it.

After being guided through their quarters, we stop at a fancy lounge area, complete with gorgeous Victorian Gothic furniture. It's where they usually relax and have tea with their visitors.

As soon as I get there, I no longer see anyone else. Of course, that's aside from the ones I've already 'met' earlier.

... I might be the last one on their list then.


Well, at least I don't have to see any of the more annoying gods or goddesses, then, I reckon.

"Welcome to our home, War Goddess Khirelle." A voice that rings pleasantly in my ears proceeds to greet me politely.


Our eyes meet, and while my gaze remains neutral, hers are just the opposite.

It's being filled with an off-putting fervor that shouldn't be directed to a guest.

A guest who has zero interest in getting back together with her husband, mind you. This is especially when he's already quite obviously taken.

Hades is very smitten with his wife. There's a rumor that he has even forced her. My stomach still churns at how they do things around here, though. Even if Persephone quite clearly returns his feelings now, it's just...

Laughter cuts through my thoughts as I hear him tease me openly, even with the fact that his wife is in the same room. "Ohh~ Come on, Persephone. If you don't want her here, I can have her tossed out this very instant."

... This punk! Angry veins pop at the side of my forehead, but I try to keep it in, as I know he's just trying to lessen the tense atmosphere.

It's unfortunately customary for all of us to visit one another if one of the gods or goddesses has a newborn. It's of utmost disrespect not to, and can even lead to crazy disputes.

I breathe out another exasperated sigh, as my ex-boyfriend continues to joke about sending his ex-partner, me, away in different scenarios - just to please his beloved.

Then, I couldn't help but snarl at the mention of 'throwing me at Cerberus. His faithful dog will catch and carry me in his mouth. Then right after, it'll throw me outside the gates - face-first into some mud pool of sorts.'

I resist the urge to want to break Hades in half, for joking at my expense, when I notice that he's apologizing to me, while using his eyes. This big lug is pushing it with me.

"The things I do for others," I grumble softly and decide to play along. I can understand how jealous his wife can get.

'You seriously owe me', I mouth back at him, and I receive a subtle nod in return. Breathing out another sigh in vexation, I acquiesce to his silent pleading.