

Times have changed , no more gods or their memory . Cursed lay the world with humans ruled by other humans and what good comes out of this ? other than just war and imminent death , peace never was and never will be an option . But , there is hope . A myth states that Someone will rise , rise above the rest , beyond the human insights , beyond the strength and weakness , arrogance and pride . This hope to a world that doesn’t seek it , is a revelation of what humans do not know or choose to accept . The world will know and follow him , if not , they will kneel .

SHIVA_01 · War
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Scorching heat , the sun laid , there beneath it we lay . Vultures weaving above , hungry were they for the worn out meat of the warriors covered in blood dipped sweat .

We stand with hopes on string n brows showing our fear , nonetheless , we weren't giving up . Over a rock , at a distance stands our king . There he stands with a growing sparkle in his eyes , hands clinching the sword , muscles stiffened , armour weary of his strength , striking a sense of immense fear in the eyes of enemies . There he stood out king , king AZARIUS.

"Take a stand men , this isn't the time to break a breath , hold on a little longer , let us send our enemies to bang the doors of HELL .

And then we go back to the arms of our loved ones .

Go there , slit them apart , look into their souls craving to be punished . Let's give them a taste of their own misery . FIGHTTTTTT"

That was all he had to do . There we stand behind our king . A Sword and a shield gripped to life . A sly grin across our king's face , proud of his men . Lifts his hand with the sword and screams , " TILL DEATH"